Lifestyle Mental Health

5 Healing Ways To Make Feeling Lonely Useful In Life

feeling lonely

Over the course of these past two years, I know that feeling lonely has become a normal emotion. Even in quarantine when everyone was inside. Even though I had my family, I still felt lonely. And I’m dealing with that same emotion at this new chapter of my life. Heading to a 4-year university is exciting. This first semester has been so worth it. But I can’t help but feeling lonely almost every day. My friends are all scattered across the state. Each one being a 2+ hour drive away. And with the task of making new friends as someone with awful social anxiety. You start to feel like maybe being alone is what your life is going to be like for awhile. 

After a rough couple months, I’ve been trying to find ways to occupy myself. Trying to make this feeling of being lonely be at least somewhat beneficial to me. Of course, I wanted to share some of the ways that has helped me a lot. I hope this resonates with you. Enjoy this week’s post! 

So, then how do I make feeling lonely useful in my life?

1. Practice self-care

A great way to make the loneliness useful is by practicing some self-care. So often when we are exuding our energy for others, we neglect ourselves. Now I’ve talked about this before with self-care. How it is more than just taking a bath. But when you’re feeling lonely, the worst thing you can do is bring yourself down even more. Use this time to yourself to take care of yourself. Take a walk outside, do some yoga/meditate, make yourself some tea, etc. As long as you’re putting your energy in to yourself.

Use self-care to not feel lonely
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2. Power down for a bit

Often times when I start to get in my feelings, taking a phone break is the best remedy. For some, especially me, when we get lonely we tend to just rub salt in our wounds. Going through our Instagram feed ,checking people’s Snapchat stories. Or maybe even endlessly scrolling through Tik Tok. Powering down on social media has shown to reduce stress & anxiety. For me, usually I take off at most 8 hours. During that time, I get to-do list done.  I try to do things that make me happy. Or I just write and listen to music for the time being. Sometimes we just feel lonely because we see others being social. We get envious & crave that social interaction. 

3. Direct your emotions of being lonely in to something else

Sometimes distraction is the best remedy. Redirecting that energy in to something else. The worst thing you can do when feeling alone is to wallow. Because, I don’t know about you, but when I wallow. I begin to spiral down in to my pits of being lonely even more. Finding something to distract me is usually my go to method. Healthy distractions though. My go to is watching some of my favorite funny YouTube videos. Or re-watching one of my favorite TV shows. Redirecting your lonely energy could also be trying to work on projects or goals you usually never have time for. Even if you’re lonely, at least you were productive. There’s something you got out of it. 

journaling helps feeling lonely

4. Take the time to journal

I’ve advocated for journaling in this blog before. The best part of journaling is that you can make it as simple as you want it. Or as creative/artist you want it. When you’re feeling lonely, your thoughts are running. They are clouding your head. By journaling, you get the opportunity to write down your thoughts, opinions, emotions. If you want it to be more structured, you can search up journal prompts. Pinterest has many prompts you can choose from. Journaling when you’re lonely helps you unlock somethings you may have never realized. Maybe even revealing some triggers you never knew you had. All you need is a pen & some paper. 

5. Acknowledge your feelings of loneliness

Feeling lonely just makes you feel alone. It makes it seem like your head is spinning. As if there is just thoughts running through your head 100 mph. When I first started therapy, my therapist noticed how I wouldn’t acknowledge my emotions. That very much included loneliness. It wasn’t till this past week or two that I forced myself to confront this emotion. Telling myself that it’s time to acknowledge this feeling of being lonely. I usually ask myself these questions; “Why do I feel lonely?” “What triggered this emotion?” “Is there a reason why this triggered me?” “What can I do to accept this at the moment?”. Along with a lot of reassurance, I was able to somewhat come to terms with feeling lonely. 

Have I fully become okay with feeling lonely? No, I haven’t. These past two days have been rough with that. But I know that this is isn’t forever. I won’t be this lonely forever. I just need to keep challenging myself & put myself out there in social settings. 


Feeling lonely is something that a lot of college students go through. You’re starting this new chapter in life. And some of us are going through this alone. I hope this post resonated with some of you. If it did, feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram. 

Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you have any suggestions on any other topics to write about shoot me a DM on Instagram.  Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! I’m trying to connect with my community better through there. It makes it easier to try and get to know you guys. If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies.  Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!

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