Summer is coming up which entails more conversation around summer beauty trends. Especially when it comes to hot girl summer. But something that doesn’t sit right with me when it comes to beauty is the trend of body types. For years, women’s figures have been a upward and downward trend for society to dictate. But some people don’t understand how harmful this is to your mindset. Having to see that your natural body type doesn’t fit in with the trend. This just leads to many women suffering from body image issues, eating disorders, and poor mental health. Well, our unique body types aren’t beauty standards. And if you need a boost of confidence to understand why, well here are 5 reasons I have for you.
Something I preach a lot on my blog post is that everyone is entitled to their own definitions of their life. From their clothing style to their own beauty. When it comes to body types everyone has their own definitions of beauty. To what they want to look like. And what they want their own beauty standards to be. I feel like over the years everyone is trying to keep up with the trends. Wear the latest brands and have the latest looks. But then what happens to the people who refuse to conform to the trends? Body types aren’t trends because it is meant to be a free will that isn’t affected by external standards.

2. Your body type is unique
No one’s body is the same. We all come from different genetic backgrounds which aid in that. Whether you believe in a religion or not, we can all agree that we are all born different. Some people have a more curvy figure. Some may be more round or have a rectangle body type. Either way, you can’t compare your body to someone else’s. You don’t know what health conditions or genetics has gotten them that body. Your body is unique and it is for a reason. Now if you want to change it then that’s fine. It is your choice. But that line “I’m just built different”, is so true. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
As a chubby black women, I have seen and experienced the consequences of having body types being trends. It puts a negative notion in your head that your own natural body isn’t enough. Or that it isn’t beautiful. Take the BBL trend wave that happened for years. It mimicked the natural body types that Black women have. And yet when people would see that natural figure on Black women or a POC woman…it was seen as fake. As if they were hopping on the trend for fun. But no, that is just naturally how they were born to look like.
When body types are turned into trends or beauty standards, it gives off the wrong message. It perpetuates stereotypes. And leaves room for discrimination as well as fatphobia. The 2000s trends are coming back ,but a major trend from these years was the trend to be skinny. Clothing and beauty standards were made for the thin girls. Which just excluded so many bigger girls into forcing themselves down a very scary & dangerous road.

When you make things such as appearance as a beauty standard it sends a harmful message. Especially for younger women. Fun Fact! After the age of 18, we go through a second puberty. Between the ages of 19-24/25, your body begins to change once again. Your metabolism changes and how your body looks as well. When you have these messages that only this certain body type is ideal, you are giving a negative outlook for women. You look at your won body and not just see it as a human being. But another thing you need to change for the trend. This can lead to poor mental health, eating disorders, and/or lower self-esteem.
5. Your body is your choice
As someone who has been told all her life what she should do with her body. I have a new mantra that I decided to live by. My body, my choice. Learning to live in your body is a journey within itself. But along the way you don’t need other people’s opinions. At the end of the day, you are the one who has to look in the mirror. To walk in the body you have. You have the choice in what you want to do with it. As long as you are fulfilled and happy. Social media shouldn’t be a determinant of what you should think of yourself. All bodies are good bodies. But it’s up to you to figure out that for yourself.
All bodies are good bodies. Live your life in your own skin. Being able to look in the mirror and like what you see. Knowing that you’re this way for you and no one else. That is one of the main reasons why I write blog posts like this. To not only get this message out to others. But also to solidify it in myself.
Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you wanna talk more about this week’s post or any other post, shoot me a DM on Instagram! Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies. Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!
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