Hello and happy holidays! I hope that this December is treating you well so far. I know that with the year winding down. A lot of people are looking back at their year. Re-evaluating decisions and what lessons they’ve learned this year. I know I am. But when it comes to looking in the past, it can bring up old emotions. Sometimes putting us in a negative mindset. Whether you suffer from it now or time to time. Having a negative mindset is something that personally I have been dealing with for a couple years now. It’s like a small background voice in your head that is just feeding you all this negativity & doubt. Especially, when it comes to my work and content creation.
A negative mindset is like a virus in a way. Once it’s there, it spreads. First it’s in your thoughts about your looks and then your body. And then it can spread to your abilities and skills. Eventually, it just ruins your self-esteem. That’s what happened to me. It got to the point that I even external validation was shot down.
Well, to wind down the year and bring us in to the new one. I wanted to touch on some ways to help ditch that negative mindset. Let us try to go in to 2022 with a new outlook on ourselves.
So, how do you ditch that negative mindset?
1. Incorporate affirmations in to your daily routine
Affirmations are a great way to reprogram your brain in to a positive mindset. So much of having a negative mindset is reaffirming it. When you reaffirm a thought, it is seen as more true. You are just speaking it in to existence. And we don’t want to speak out what we don’t want. So, this is where affirmations come in. There are thousands to choose from and many ways to go about them. Pick some that resonate with you and write them down on a post it note. Then stick it to a mirror. Mainly, a mirror that you look at everyday. So, that each time you look at that mirror you have to repeat those affirmations to yourself at least 5 times.
Personally, for me, I have been listening to affirmation video’s every night while I sleep. There are many to choose from on YouTube. Just pick the affirmation you want and let it play in a low volume as you sleep. They are absolutely so soothing to listen to. Our subconscious is more open when we sleep. Which makes it easier for suggestions/affirmations to come in to our mind. (Hence why when someone gets hypnotized they have to be asleep.) Below are 10 affirmations I created for a negative mindset.
Use these ones or you can look up your own!

2. Social Media Detox
Ever since social media has been invented, the negative effects of it have been worse and worse each year. The cons outweigh the pros for most people. And one of the cons is aiding in a negative mindset. Comparison is a sure fire way to bring yourself down. And (depending on who you follow) you may be looking at people with a life you want. Maybe a body you want or the talents you want. Subconsciously, we compare ourselves to them. “I wish I had their looks.” “I wish I was as wealthy/successful as them.” This leads us to bring ourselves down.
One of the ways I help try and ditch a negative mindset is by doing a social media detox.
The best effect way to gain the pros of a detox is by not going on any social media for at least 30 days. By doing this you are giving yourself a chance to live in the moment. A way to focus on real life. You might find that leaving social media has done more good than harm.
3. Find the root of the negativity
Negative mindset sprouts from somewhere. There was something that triggers this negative mindset. One of the simple & best ways to ditch this type of mindset is to get to the root of it. Journal and start trying to break this negative mindset down from the ground up. When you’re able to figure out your triggers & the cause, it makes it easier to try to deconstruct it.
The worst thing to tell someone who does struggle with a negative mindset is that they just need to think happy thoughts. It doesn’t work like that. The amount of time people would tell me that. Ugh! It just isn’t that easy. Think of your brain like a computer. Once you code something in that computer. You have stemmed thousands of commands. But erasing all that code will take even longer. Trying to restructure it will be more work. That’s how a negative mindset is. And it takes so much work to try and break it down.
4. Therapy
I will always advocate for therapy. As someone who currently is in it right now. I can say that it makes you learn things about yourself that was not apparent. As well as learning the healthy tools to deconstruct these negative mindsets and actions. I will say this. Therapy isn’t for everyone at the same time in life. And you don’t have to have something “wrong” with you in order to go to therapy. I will probably make a whole post about therapy & what I’ve learned from it. It has helped me break down my negative mindset and turn it in to a positive mindset. Having me put boundaries up and put myself first. Which I don’t do very often.

5. Practice self-awareness
If you’ve never heard of self-awareness, it is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. When we are self-aware we are able to recognize our strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge helps us to set goals for ourselves. We know where we have to room to grow and that’s a good thing! Our strengths help us feel confident in our ability to improve on our weaknesses. When it comes to negative mindsets, it can help us be more aware of when we are being negative. You never notice when you’re affirming this mindset because it comes so natural. With self-awareness , you are forcing your mind to call yourself out. To finally question those thoughts. And reprogram them to mean the opposite.
Thanks for reading this week’s post! There’s only 3 weeks left of 2021. Which is crazy to think of. Get your goals in order. 2021 was a tough year ,so don’t be too hard on yourself. Every new year is a blessings and it’d be a shame to waste it.
Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you wanna talk more about this week’s post or any other post, shoot me a DM on Instagram! Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies. Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!
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