
5 Unique Ways Black Women Can Re-define Their Own Beauty

Black women are Beauty

Black women are the OG trendsetters. And that is an opinion I am not willing to debate. Black women have set the ground work so much when it comes to music, hair, fashion, beauty, & even skincare. But over time, even in today’s society, we are still deemed so low. Being ridiculed and always over analyzed for anything that we do. To the point that we have to conform rather than thrive. But I believe that even due to the harshness , we have created a way to re-define our beauty. 

From afros, to Senegalese twists, to softs locs, to relaxers , to bantu knots.  Our hair is versatile. Being able to defy gravity. Black women are the definition of versatility.  Having able to pull off different looks as much as we so please. Being able to learn the skill to do our own hair. We re-define our own beauty by being creative. And expressing it through our hair. It’s our personality. Our way of showing the world who we are without even saying a word. It’s just something that makes us look in the mirror and smile.

When you see a Black women walk down the street, the first thing you notice is their hair. Whether it’s up in a bun. Or wrapped up. Maybe she has a wig on. Or a bonnet. The options are endless. Black women’s hair is beautiful. It’s how we redefine our beauty throughout our life. 

Black Women are beauty

2. Embracing our melanin

There’s just something special about melanin. I feel like melanin is like a Black person’s superpower. Think of it. We can pull off any color in the rainbow. It just pops out on our skin so well. But something that every Black Woman has had to go through is having our melanin ridiculed. Seen as a negative rather than a positive. I know personally, from a young age I had such internal racism for my own skin color. Due to the harassment & mockery by who will never get close to experiencing what I do in life.  It took me years to break this down and redefine how I see my own skin. 

Black women , no matter the skin tone, our melanin is our beauty. It is what makes our features feel whole. From our eyes to our lips. Embracing out melanin is us redefining beauty. Showing the world that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

Us Black Women re-define our beauty by staying unique. No two Black women look the same. And that is unique beauty in it’s image. We all come from different backgrounds. Different cultures. We are not a monolith. Our community is filled to the brim of unique individuals. From anime lovers to hippies. R&B singers to Punk Rock screamers. We refuse to stick to the stereotypes that generations of racism has subjected us to. Showing the world that we are not what who you think we are. As a matter of fact, we are even better than what you deem us to be. Black women, you re-define beauty by just simply being your authentic self

We all come in different tones & sizes. We range from 6′ foot tall to 4’ll. Each of us rocking a different hairstyle. Even physically we tell the world that we are not just one person. Black women are like Kaleidoscope . Beauty at every turn ,but always finding a new color. 

And that is beautiful in it’s own right. 

For so long the beauty industry never had a spot for Black Women. And it was obvious. Never having a good shade range in foundation & concealers. Making products that don’t work with our hair. That actually do more damage. Creating clothing that is out our reach in order to keep a divide. Never having us a representation. Only using one of us as a diversity trope. So, you know what we did?

We created our own spot at the table. 

From Fenty to Uoma Beauty. Black women said “If you won’t make representation for us, we’ll do it ourselves”. Creating fashion brands to appeal to Black luxury, like Telfar. Making ourselves be the finical point that other brands wouldn’t even dare to do. Putting special care in to our own hair products. Women-owned , Black owned hair products. Even feminine care, we decided to create our own space in it. Small businesses run by Black women for lash extension, hair stylist, tailors, etc. You name it , we’re there at the top.  We redefined our beauty by creating a space for it & then dominating. 

5. Ignoring society's conformity

As Black Women we are given a societal set of rules. Ways in which we must act in order to gain approval. How we should dress. The state of which our hair is deemed “acceptable”. All the way up to how we should speak & be as a person. And yet Black women have put their foot down over the course of a century to say “We will not conform”. Wearing our natural hair in the corporate world. Showing that just because we speak in a different cadence than other people doesn’t mean we “talk white”. 

Black Women have always and will continue to push the narrative in society. Gaining awards for roles that would go to a white woman. Taking positions that most would be seen as a “white man’s job”. Defying stereotypes by demonstrating what really goes on. Pushing through barriers in sports ,but also being able to express femineity. Black women redefine their beauty by taking back their control over what they deem is beautiful. 


Writing about black beauty has allows been such a love of mine. This Black History month, if you’re not Black, take the initiative to support the community. Buy from black businesses. Support Black artists. Read up on Black History that isn’t the same basic ones we are taught every year. And most importantly, continue to do so after this month. Black people, enjoy this month to celebrate your culture, your heritage.  Thank you again for reading this week’s post. If you wanna support my blog further, share this blog to any black women you know!

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