Happy Tuesday, everyone! This past week, I was talking with a coworker of mine about clothes. I don’t know how the topic came up ,but we started talking about how we buy clothes. And I was explaining about how when I shop, I don’t go for looks as my only reason to buy the product. We both agreed on how we both have to try on the clothing before buying it. Due to the fact that we both have very curvy body shapes. She began to explain to me how she likes to clothes to fit in her body shape & stuff.
The conversation really got me thinking on how most women don’t really know how to dress to their body shape. Like we have our mothers dress us from a young age. But when we get to a point to dress ourselves. Some of us aren’t sure what looks good on us or not. So, I decided to share some ways that helped me learn how to dress to my body shape.
So, then how do I dress to my body shape?
1. First, you need to figure out your body shape
The first thing you need to do before buying any clothes is identifying your body shape. These are just general ways to identify the shape of your body. The first being a more rectangular shape. If you have this shape, this means your shoulders & hips are about the same width. Next is a pear shape, which is when your hips are wider than your bust. Another body shape is an inverted triangle, which is what it sounds like. In this the bust is wider than the hips.
While in a hourglass figure, the bust and hips are the same hips. With the compliment of a narrow waist. The hourglass figure is one that has been in beauty standards for a long time. Lastly, the apple body shape is when the bust is larger with a fuller mid-section & narrow hips. With each body, there are certain parts to emphasize to compliment your body more. Once you figure out your shape, best to do your research on it. Get familiar with it. No shame in being discouraged about it either.

2. Know your likes & dislikes
When dressing to your body shape is best to know your likes & dislikes. This will make it easier to know what you want. Going shopping is already overwhelming as it is. With all the choices and styles. Having a grasp of what your taste are will help weed out the choices. I remember finally figuring out what I liked and what I didn’t. It felt like I broke through a wall of confusion. Being able to buy what I thought looked good. It gave me a sense of confidence that I didn’t know I would achieve.
3. Don't compare your body shape to others
I always say this…even to myself. Maybe a bit too much ,but it’s a good reminder. Comparison is the thief of joy. It just is. There’s nothing that comes good from comparing yourself to others. We can admire people. Have them inspire us. But when we tell ourselves “I wish my body looked liked her’s” or “That dress looks better on her than it would on me”. What we are doing is just degrading ourselves. And for no reason, might I add. Don’t compare your body shape. Everyone’s body shape, even if they are the same shape, still are different. Genetics is a thing remember. Focus on what you need to do to feel confident. And the rest will fall in to place.

4. The clothes should accentuate your body shape
Ya know how when we put on something and we feel frumpy? Or we just don’t feel as confident as we should. It’s because the clothing isn’t doing anything for our body shape. See you body as a nice house. You are the decorator. And you know what looks nice & what doesn’t. Same goes for clothing. Clothing is about being confident & feeling sexy in what you wear. Even if it’s just lounge wear. When you buy something that accentuates your body shape, it elevates your style. It also shows a new you in a sense. I know for me. When I wear something that just looks good on me. And it doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable or frumpy. It feels like someone just gave me a shot of like serotonin. It just makes you happy, And that is what looking good in clothing is all about. Looking good & feeling good.
5. Remember, clothes are supposed to fit you
I saw a saying somewhere. It was “clothes should fit you, not you fit them.” It took me a bit to finally realzie what it meant. I remember I was trying on a couple dresses at Forever 21 and none of them looked nice on me. “They looked better on the hanger” I thought. Each time I looked in the mirror , the more I hated the way it looked on my body. I started to freak out a bit. It wasn’t until I got back home when I remembered this saying. Over time, it seems like clothing companies have made us seem like the clothing is what we have to fit. That if it says you’re a medium and you don’t fit it. Then it is your fault & you need to lose weight or squeeze yourself in. But that’s just a toxic way of looking at clothing and your body.
Your clothes are supposed to fit your body. To fit your curves. To fit your thighs, your waist, your body! There’s no reason that clothing should be making you feel any negative way about yourself.
It took me years to learn what my body type was. As well as how to dress to it. Of course, wear what you want to wear. But a great way to start off when you’re wanting to build your wardrobe is knowing how to dress your body shape. See it as a guide for what clothes you want to buy. The more clothes you buy that you feel confident in, the more you will start to appreciate your body.
Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you have any suggestions on any other topics to write about shoot me a DM on Instagram. Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! I’m trying to connect with my community better through there. It makes it easier to try and get to know you guys. If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies. Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!
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