Hello and happy Tuesday! As per usual, I was thinking about a topic to write for this week. It got me thinking about the progress of this blog. And how far it has come since I started it. Which had me thinking about the goals I had set up for myself in the beginning. Ever since I left highschool, I’ve already had all these huge goals in my mind. And a timeline of when they should happen. But overtime I became overwhelmed and anxious about those goals.
Whether or not I was on track to completing it. Eventually, I just had to sit down with myself and breathe. After some research, I just decided…ya know what….maybe I’m thinking too big. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But sometimes, it is better to just start off with small goals & here’s why:
1. Small goals help you be more realistic
Sometimes when we create big goals, we tend to be more out of the box. There’s nothing wrong with being optimistic about what you want. But know the difference between optimism and being unrealistic. If your goal is to say open a bakery, you can’t expect yourself to be gaining million dollar sales by year one. Small goals helps you be more realistic with your plan. Because remember, your timeline doesn’t always go the way you want to. And when we don’t pay attention to those details, those small goals, it can leave us feeling more discouraged. As if we haven’t made any progress. When in actuality, you probably achieved more than you were capable of.
2. Gives you better time management
When you make smaller goals , it’s easier to manage your time. Personally, I give myself three goals a day to try and achieve. Usually they have to do with my To Do list or something that I want to make sure to accomplish that day. But say for long term goals. By putting it in to a timeline, you are keeping yourself on track. So often when we are going through a goal journey. We tend to lose track or feel like we have lost our way. Maybe it doesn’t seem like you’re making progress. By giving yourself small check-up points. What your doing is creating a sense of serotonin to your brain. Giving the boost and the time management that you need.

3. Small goals makes it easier to stay focus
Have you ever had so much on your plate that you didn’t even know where to start? Or that each time you tried working on that task, you just got distracted. Maybe scrolled away on Tik Tok for too long. Well, the best way to combat that with goals , is to make them in to little bite size pieces. Yes, like you’re feeding a baby. By making your goal “easier to digest”, you’re making yourself less overwhelmed. Which will eventually make it easier to get a start on things. I like to break down my goals in to : Where, What, When, and How.
- Do I need to plan to go somewhere to achieve this goal?
- What are the tools/resources I need ,if any, to achieve this.
- When should I have this goal be done with/ have my first checkpoint set up?
- How do I plan on achieving this?
4. Success is achieved in baby steps
When you rush success , you rush the growth you are set to have. If you’re a high achiever like me, you get impatient. You see the worth in certain things before anyone can. Others may look at what you see as a potential business as a hobby. Doesn’t mean that you aren’t being successful. It just means that you need to work on the baby steps. No successful business started off big on the get go. (Unless you’re like Beyoncé or Rihanna or someone equally as famous). It’s much more exciting to jump in to something and then immediately see the results. You have to realize though. That not everyone’s success story is the same. Maybe you will have to do more work than others. And that’s okay. Because at the finish line , those baby steps will be even more worth it.

5. Small goals help build confidence & belief
When we don’t meet a goal we get so discouraged. As if we have already failed before we could even start. By setting up smaller goals, you will easily see your progress. I remember in the beginning of starting this blog. It made no sense to me why I wasn’t meeting the goals I had set up. In my head I was just thinking “I’m not doing something right. I should be at…by now. Why isn’t this working.” Always doubting myself because I wasn’t seeing the progress I wanted.
When in actuality, I needed to lower my goals a bit. Nothing wrong with that. A couple weeks to a month after doing that, my confidence got a bit better. As well as my belief in this blog. If you have low confidence, your goals are never going to be accomplished. Because you’re going to be spending too much time saying “Woe is me” instead of just getting up & finding a solution.
6. Helps create good habits & positive momentum
They say it takes 30 days to create a habit. Imagine for 30 days you give yourself 3 small goals to achieve a day. Do you know how much more you’d get done!? Your productivity would be through the roof. That’s one of the great parts of small goals. It’s something that I’ve noticed myself as well. When you are able to manage your goals, you will notice to become a positive habit. Eventually, you will be achieving more & creating more success in your life. As well as pushing yourself harder.
Before I started even writing down my goals, they just stayed in my head. And I thought that was the most effective to make them reality. When in fact, I was just procrastinating even more. Getting that momentum going is the first step. And the most tedious. But it is possible.
Goal making has been a big helpful habit that I started doing these past couple years. They really do help your productivity. And it helps it for you to complete your overall goals. Also, it’s just easier to handle. I hope you enjoyed this week’s post. I’m really trying to do something better with each post. If you want to send me a message about my blog, just shoot me a message on Instagram!
Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you have any suggestions on any other topics to write about shoot me a DM on Instagram. Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! I’m trying to connect with my community better through there. It makes it easier to try and get to know you guys. If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies. Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!
I might be doing a giveaway soon. Of what? Not sure. I’ll be doing a poll on my Instagram to get more opinions for what I should giveaway. So, if you want to be kept updated & not miss the giveaway. Join my email list! I send weekly emails about the posts and any updates on fun community plans that I may have. Also, follow me on Instagram!
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