
8 Liberating Things To Try Once You Complete Your Finals

Whether you are done with highschool, community college or a 4 year university, you are done for the semester. This week is finals week for most people and it is a stressful time. This past year and a half has been a stressful time for anyone in school. From the online teaching to the ridiculous circumstances we had to learn in. I thought it’d be suiting to write something about finals, but not in a negative way. So, I just decided to make a list of way to spend your first day of summer. You submitted all your exams and now you can let out that big sigh. Unclench your jaw. Drop your shoulders. The first thing you should do after finals is:

1. Cry it out

No, seriously. Just go in to your room or a private place and just scream. Let out all the emotions you have been saving inside. We all had to endure a tough time this school year and being in a pandemic just made it harder. Whether something happened to your grades, your GPA, your family, or even just you this school year. Finals is stressful and can have you harbor in emotions. Let it all out. Trust me, it helps a lot at the end of the day.

Finals week sucks

2. Sleep

You don’t even have to wait till it’s nighttime. As soon as you finish that last exam just take a nap. And then have that nap turn in to a full 8-hour slumber. Finals and just school in general is draining on our brains. I remember in senior year of highschool, the teachers warned us about senioritis. The slowed down momentum towards the end of the school year. Quite frankly, I bet most of us feel this every year finals roll around. We have pushed our bodies and minds so hard to just stick through the end. The best rewards after all that is to just rest.

Groupme, Blackboard, Canvas, Quizlet, Chegg, they all gotta go. Delete them. It’s not like you need them anymore ,so then they are you keeping them? The school year is over. Trust me, the best feeling at the end of finals week is to just go through my apps and delete all those apps. Or on your laptop, you just go through your finals and tabs. Delete all those syllabus, rubrics, and favorited sites for projects.

4. Burn your notes from finals

If you know a friend that has a fire pit, or access to one, grab all your notes. Then burn them all. Unless you need those notes for another class you’re gonna take, burn them. Have a Burn Notes Party to start off the summer right. Go ahead and burn all those finals review packets and project notes. It will be so much fun and liberating. If you don’t have a fire pit, then just start ripping them. See it as a therapeutic method.

5.Declutter your camera roll

We all have those screenshots, those notes from a friend. Just go through and delete all those crap keeping up storage. Pretty much the end of the school year is just about decluttering everything. Cleaning out your laptop, your backpack, your room. Pretty much everything that got messy and ruined while you were hopped up on coffee and stressing yourself to sleep.

6. Delete classmate phone numbers

This is so much fun to do especially when you graduate. Just going through all your socials and unfollowing the assholes that you don’t have to see anymore. Deleting all the drama, toxic people that you were getting sick of. Now, you can delete the phone numbers of the group members that didn’t do any work during that one project.

7. Start making plans with friends after finals

I know most of us become hermits during finals week and maybe even the weeks before finals. We become so detached that we don’t even have time to hang out with friends. Some of us don’t even text our friends. I know that sure didn’t. But now that finals is over and you’re free from the chains that we call the education system. We can now go back to hanging out with friends and relaxing. Life is short. And there is no time to waste with just waiting to take the day or the week to just go out with friends.

8. Give yourself some credit

We all had to learn under some crazy circumstances. Some of us were A+,B+ students and then went to a C- and D+ student thanks to online learning. But instead of hanging on to the negative look at the positive. You managed to push through despite the circumstances. I know it was hard. Trust me, I know finals and the entirety of school was hard. At some points it may have felt impossible ,but you did it. I know some of us had no choice ,but to finish. There was no time to take a beat or drop out. And for that you need to give yourself some credit. Reward yourself and acknowledge the hard work you put in to this semester.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month ,so take the time to do some research. Maybe you have a loved one that suffers from mental health. Donate to a charity and try to do your part to help end the stigma. As someone who is an advocate for mental health awareness and suffers from it, this month is always so important to me. Wanting to better yourself for the long run is something that just is important. And shouldn’t be looked over.

If you enjoyed this week’s post, there are many more for you to check out. Don’t forget to share the blog around with your friends and family. Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! I’m trying to connect with my community better through there. It makes it easier to try and get to know you guys. Welp, until next time 🙂