
5 Solid Reasons To Shop KraveBeauty This Year

Hello & Welcome to Part II of my skincare series on T.A & Co. If you follow me on Instagram or Tik Tok (if you haven’t then go do that & come back). You will know that I recently have started using a skincare brand called KraveBeauty. I’ve been purchasing skincare for years now. Mostly affordable skincare since that is what my bank account can allow. When it comes to skincare though, I am very skeptical. Due to my sensitive skin, trying new products is always a caution for me. But trust me when I say that KraveBeauty is a brand that is probably my new favorite at the moment. If at any point you want to check out their website, just click on the images 🙂

Affiliate Link Disclaimer: Naturally, sometimes my content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love.  Which means that through the link provided in this post, if you choose to take action (i.e, subscribe, make a purchase,etc. ) after clicking the link, I’ll earn some gas money :). All this is to help keep this blog rolling and to keep my car rolling ,too. So, much appreciation if you do use my affiliate link <3 

One of the big cause to our Earth’s awful condition is the companies with little to no care of our environment. KraveBeauty very much prides themselves in being a sustainable brand. Making sure that every product that they produce & sell is able to be upcycled or recycled. That’s why most their product packaging is now sourced from post-consumer recycled materials. Their products are also partially or fully recyclable,  so when the new stuff gets old, it can find new life again.

As well having their brand use all natural & organic products made from the earth. Making sure that they are cruelty free as well as a vegan brand. 

Along the way, we donated to Amazon conservation projects, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, and we most recently became a member of 1% For The Planet. That means we’re dedicating at least 1% of our yearly sales to sales to support environmental conservation projects around the globe.


2. Affordable prices

When it comes to skincare, I never understood why everything had to be so expensive. And of course there’s a capitalistic tactic behind it. Limiting “good” skincare to only the rich. Making the people who are not in that tax bracket to feel like they are not allowed such luxury. But KraveBeauty is not one of those money hungry brands. Their products ranging from lowest $16 to highest $28. With having such a simple collection. They price everything at a reasonable price. Making it available for everyone. And if you want to try out the products ,but not spend the full amount. They have something called a Snack Pack. A small packaged bag that has the mini version to each product they have. Making available for you to try out their products without spending the full price. Now, how’s that for affordable. 

When I tell you that these products are sensitive skin friendly. They really are.  Often you’ll find skincare brands have this harsh approach to skincare. Using all these chemicals. But KraveBeauty takes a more gentler approach. Making it so simple by splitting their products into two series. The Core Products & the Supplement Products. In the Core Products you have the Matcha Hemp Hydrating Cleanser & the Oat So Simple Water Cream.  With the Supplement Products including the Great Barrier Relief Serum & the Kale-Lalu-yAHA Exfoliator. 

Our Core products are your daily maintenance, the essential tools to keep your skin healthy and supported. Our Supplement products are your patch up jobs, the reinforcements you call in to tackle a specific problem. Use them all, use a few—whatever your skin is craving.


One of the big things that stood out to be about this brand was that they have an inclusivity pledge. Yeah, I know right. I had never heard of a brand having a inclusivity pledge. But KraveBeauty has one and it’s a simple access to it. In the skincare community, over the past couple years, we’ve seen that most brands don’t cater to all skin colors. Not having any diversity in their company nor their branding. But if they do have some “diversity” in their branding , it won’t show in their employees. Which gives a discouraging feeling to those of use people of color. KraveBeauty is all about inclusivity in their company. 

They’re committed to supporting causes and advocacy groups who champion inclusivity and support under-represented and under-served communities. They’re creating opportunities to uplift creators and organizations of diverse backgrounds, inside and out. Within the brand, they prioritize working with business partners who support their diversity goals including BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ owned/led brands. The KraveBeauty community is open to people of all identities, expressions, and abilities. But they recognize that there are specific community members that are under-represented and under-served in the beauty community.

5. They're an Asian Owned Brand

KraveBeauty was born out of an epiphany. In 2017, our founder, skincare aficionado and YouTube OG, Liah Yoo had exhausted herself (and her skin) looking for miracle products to solve her skin woes. She had been there, done that, and probably gotten a pimple from it. She sought advice from all the brands, experts, and know-how’s, so how come she didn’t have IG-worthy skin? That’s when the lightbulb went off: if she was overwhelmed, the rest of us were probably over the hill. We were so overloaded by new trends and miracle products that we cared more about skincare than our skin. Time to #PressReset.

They’re hashtag & motto is to #PressReset.  Always advocating for the non peer pressure approach to skincare. No 10 step skincare product needed. Or burning serums or exfoliators. Krave Beauty was created to help us rethink our relationship with skincare and turn skincare conventions into skin-minded intentions that make you (not products) the focus.Skincare can be overwhelming and it’s hard to hear your inner voice over all that noise. Pressing reset isn’t about turning off the world, it’s about tuning it out so you can listen to your skin instead. Who knows what your skin needs better than you? Your skin is smart. And if stop, look, and listen, it’ll tell you exactly what it’s craving. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for a new path, you can #PressReset and blaze your trail, skin-first.


Remember to use my link to check out & purchase from KraveBeauty. The link is posted above. But you can also find it in the link in my bio on Instagram. I wouldn’t talk about or promote this brand if I didn’t like it. I’m not a woman of false advertising. Years of skincare products and this brand has been the best to work with my skin so far. And I’m seeing results, which is a big plus. So, snag some of your own KraveBeauty products & #PressReset on your skin.  

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