Girl to Women Life Wellness

Why Loving Your Natural Look is the Key to Make-Up

Whether you identify as he, she, or they, we all know that make-up is something that we can use to express ourselves. It’s an talent that now a days has been less beauty more artistic. Some of us use it to show off our creativity, or as a flex when we want to look like a bad bitch. Although, do you feel the same way when you remove all that? Is this how you see yourself even without the lashes and the contour?

Make-up is meant to enhance, not hide

The saying is that make-up is meant to enhance your beauty not hide it. This may not be case if you decided to read this post. You may be feeling like your bare face is in terms ugly or unattractive. That it isn’t up to the best it could be. Maybe the acne or blemishes discourage you to even show your face to your family. Or a birthmark that you just want to hide away. Maybe you just hate the features that you were born with. Whoever made you feel like any of those things are ugly, is wrong.

All skin is different…

All skin is meant to be different. I feel like society has put in our heads that if you don’t have smooth, clear skin, it’s bad. That acne is not supposed to be normal. That freckles are meant to be hidden. That imperfections are meant to be fixed. It is not true. None of it is true. The edited pictures we see on our phones and laptops are simply just that…EDITED! Most people don’t show their real face either because they don’t feel fully confident.  They don’t want to feel the wrath of haters or bullies. Which is understandable, but also can become very tiring. Trying to live up to a standard that isn’t even yours. All skin is different.

….but it is also natural.

Everyone gets acne. It is apart of puberty and it is also apart of how our skin works. Yes, I’ll admit it is not the most beautiful thing in the world. That is not what I am trying to get across. At some point, even the clearest skinned celebrity got or even still gets acne.

I’ve struggled with acne and dark pigmentation since freshman year of high school. Only having it get worse after I left college. Some days I didn’t want t to show my face to the public. Other days I’d use make-up to try and hide it.  Eventually, it got to the point where I was convinced that I was ugly without some concealer on. That my skin was doomed forever. In all honesty, I was overreacting. Most of us are. Over time, with many affirmations, I had to teach myself that my beauty is not measured on the clearness of my skin.  Till this day, I struggle some days, but you just must see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Once you do, you’ll see that piece by piece, it gets better.

“I believe all women are pretty without make-up – but with the right make-up can be powerful”

bobbi brown

Hiding your insecurities will only expose them.

Your insecurities are like Pandora’s box. The more you try to ignore it and push it down, the bigger the blow. One day, you will crack, and the box will open. Leaving you to have to drown in the past. Only hindering how you move on. When it comes to full coverage make-up and even light coverage, it is an expression of how you want to feel & should feel.

Now, this isn’t to discourage you from layering on pounds and pounds of make-up. If that’s how you want to do it, then go ahead. If you want to make your five-head smaller, do that. Your nose seems a bit too big? Then go ahead and contour the heck out of it. But if you don’t still feel beautiful…after removing all that product…then look in the mirror. And make yourself believe that you are. Recite affirmations. Say one thing you find attractive about yourself everyday. Go a day without any product and have a photoshoot with yourself, like I did.  You are beautiful, with or without make-up.

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