
Aesthetics: How To Maintain Multiple In Your Closet

Hello T.A & Co. Community! Happy Spring & Aries season. So, Happy Birthday to all my Aries babies. With it being spring, I know we are all getting our wardrobe ready for summer. Organizing your closets and getting your aesthetics ready. But if you’re anything like me, you may just have more than one aesthetic you’re in to. Over time as I’ve been getting more in tuned with my fashion sense. I’ve adopted not only one , or two ,but like three aesthetics that I can confidently rock. Which leaves me feeling like I have nothing to wear. Or trying to box myself in to one corner. But fashion isn’t about rules, well to me at least. I see aesthetics and fashion as an expression of yourself. Your entire self. So, why close off one part because society makes it seem like you need to stick to one? 

So, here are some tips from what I learned on maintaining multiple aesthetics. Maybe this will help some of you out who are still trying to hone in on your own personal style. 

Usually when we are looking for aesthetics that we like, we can get overwhelmed. The best way to hone in on your top 3 is to find your interests. What attracts you when you go in to a store to shop. Is it the vintage clothing? bright or pastel colors? Neutral tones with a more academic look? Figure out these attributes and you’ll be able to find your top 3. Even you only have a top 2 then that’s fine either. I think it’s great to have like 3-5 aesthetics you want to alternate between. But make sure not to overcrowd yourself. You want to be able to sustain your aesthetics with whatever budget you have for yourself. Pinterest is a great search tool to find what aesthetics you are attracted to. As well as Tik Tok due to it’s algorithm. 

Find the commonalities

If you’re going to be having more than one aesthetics, you’re going to want to save some money. Buying different clothes from different sections of the fashion world can get expensive at times. So, what you want to do is find the commonalities amongst the ones you have. For example, my three aesthetics are Streetwear, 90s grunge, & Black Girl Earthy Hippie. The best way I save money is by buying shoes that can suffice all three. 

So like converse , vans, and combat boots. I buy basics (white/black tank tops, bralettes, socks, etc.) that can be used for all three in order to 1) lessen overconsumption of clothing & 2) lower the cost I’m spending. Also, clothing can be versatile. A shirt I wear for 90s grunge can be used for my Earthy Hippie looks. It keeps things fun and interesting. 

I feel like mood boards are such a great way to visualize what you want. It’s also hella creative to make. You can use either Pinterest, the LandingApp, Canva, or if you want a physical one, just make it yourself. Either way, find a source to create your mood board. 

What’s going to be on the mood board?

Say you honed down to 3 aesthetics. What you’re gonna do is make a mood board for each one. Or just get a big board and put all three on there. You’re going to pull inspo outfits, shoes, accessories, skirts, pants, etc. And get a better feel for what you want your version of the aesthetic will be. This will help you stay more organized and focused on what you should be looking for when you shop. 

Maintaining multiple aesthetics isn’t just about your closet ,but also your mindset. How you view the concept as a whole. I know in fashion, it is common and usually preferred to keep one “genre” in your wardrobe. But to be honest, I see that as so constricting. It’d always be best to define these types of things by your own standard. Of course, you can have inspiration. But let it be a stepping point. Not the standard. Explore more in to your creativity through your clothes. Express yourself as loud or as quite as you want to through what you wear. At the end of the day, aesthetics is a personal choice. 


Spring is a fun season for fashion. Also, I’ve honed in on my spring/summer aesthetic. Since Texas can be so dang hot. I hope you enjoyed this week’s post. And I hope it helped with those of you it resonated with. If you wanna talk more on aesthetics or just wanna say hi, shoot me a DM on Instagram! 

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