When it comes to Black History Month, it is not just about learning about the past. But it is also about acknowledging the now and looking to better the future. Whether you call yourself Black or African-American, this month is to celebrate you. To acknowledge you. To let you know that you are seen. That you are not what others deem you to be. As it comes to a sad close, I wanted to leave you ,the readers, with something that will speak more words that it is written in. Black Beauty is more than just our features. It is the pure essence of who we are in our soul.

The world has tried to shake

The ground beneath your feet

Far too many times, yet somehow

You keep on standing there anyway,

Your own mountain of strength

That they couldn’t topple if they tried.

You have carved out a place for yourself

In a world that told you that you didn’t belong.

But you belong and it is your world too.

You are the latest of many generations

That have worked to make it so.

You are here with your held head high,

Making all those generations so proud.

From the rubble, you have helped to build

An entire world to call your own.

An identity and a language tied to it,

So that when others hear you speak with pride,

They will know who you are.

The melanin marking the surface of your skin,

Like war paint you wear over the soul

Threaded through with silver steel.

Thick, silky hair that some days refuses

To ever be truly tamed, like the heart

Beating against your cage of ribs

That refuses to ever be trampled upon.

If you cannot see everything that you are,

I hope you one day learn to be able to.

It took hundreds of loves

To bring you into this world

And all that have come before

Would be so proud of you.

Carry their pride and your own strength

Always upon your shoulders

As you go out into the world.

And please promise me

That you’ll always remember

Where you came from,

Where you are going,

And everything that you are.

Feature Image: Fire Womxn by Reyna Noriega  

Remember, the learning and the support doesn’t end on February 28th. This is a constant motion that we need to fulfill. Sign petitions, go to rallies, support your Black friends and/or family. SUPPORT BLACK OWNED BUISNESSES!!! Do your part because yes we have made progress up to this point. But there is still so much work to be done. Down below are links to websites where you can find more info on petitions to sign and organizations to donate to.

Black Lives Matter: https://blacklivesmatter.com/

Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1

Donate to the ACLU & learn how to help support BLM: https://action.aclu.org/give/fund-every-fight-ahead

Learn more ways to help support the Black community: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/8-ways-to-get-involved-during-black-history-month-and-beyond/


Thank you so much for reading this week’s post. Follow me on all my socials and subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when a new blog goes up!

1 Comment

  1. Lovely Poem. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks for writing it.

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