Born in Lagos, Nigeria , Anjola Delano is making a name for herself and blazing the entrepreneurial trail. In March of 2020, Anjola decided to share her talent for fashion with the world and Milola Jewels was born.
Fun fact! Anjola is actually my cousin.
She is also one of my inspirations when it comes to my interest in make-up and beauty. After seeing her brand thrive over the last year, I thought she was the perfect candidate for this blog article. So, I decided to reach out to Anjola and have a chat about her new role as an African Female entrepreneur.

How did Milola Jewels come about?
Anjolaoluwa Damilola Delano ,27, resides in both the UK and Nigeria with her 9 to 5 job being a Project Coordinator and in TV/Media. Having worked for BBC, Channel 4, and ITV. Currently, she is working in Nigeria media as well. The name Milola came from her middle name which was given to her by her grandfather. She wanted something that was personal to her ,but could also be seen as it’s own flair.
At around February of 2020, about two weeks before the 1st of March, is where the journey started. Her mom sells jewelry and is successful in the market that she works in. At the time, Anjola was unemployed and going through the Covid-19 economic downturn. She packed up her things in London and moved back to Lagos. These were trying times for her and everyone else, but she found the pot of gems at the end of the rainbow.
“If I’m being not politically correct, I was broke,” she said and laughs
Her mom was tired of seeing her struggle so much when it came to her finances. She told Anjola that she needs to try and find another stream of income . So, her mom gave her a bag of silver (no pun intended) and told her to go sell it to her friends and figure out how to sell it.
Confused and not knowing where to start she went to her friends.
“First thing I did was create a WhatsApp group and put just a few of my close friends, about 15 to 20. And I said ‘Guys, I’m starting a jewelry brand. You’re the first to know. They were all like ‘Oh! Congratulations! So happy for you! ‘ and I was like…Guys, I don’t know what I’m doing!”
With no plan in place , she just had to wing it. The more she talked to her friends about the designs and the material, funny enough three people bought from her. Starting off her revenue for her brand. Till this day she still talks to those friends and shows them sneak peeks and new designs. They are always hyping her up and giving her encouragement.
“I’m a people person. If you hype me up…I’m bound to do more.”

The Inspiration
“So , my mum actually sells jewelry. My mum is my inspiration, the person who paved the way for me. The person who actually told me to get in to the business because jewelry is timeless…it fits everyone.”
At first, she started to only sell silver, high end products. Having all her jewelry being made out of sterling silver. She realized though that not everyone can afford high end ,but they still wanted the designs & elegance of the brand. Then was introduced a “costume range” ( a cheaper range of product in retail, not made with pure gold or silver.) Knowing it lasts 2-3 years, the range is more affordable ,but still beautifully designed. Recently, she just came out with a gold collection.
“I’m happy that with my costume range a lot more people can afford it… I wanted people to have options.”
Quality over quantity is a priority when it comes to Anjola and her brand. She mentioned how crossing from the age of 22-25 to late twenties, women are looking to buy real material what will last them longer. The refiner taste for something that is worth the price.
Q:What have been some of your biggest challenges?
One of the challenges, Anjola had to face was having high expectations. Thinking that she was going to sell out by day one and gain all this revenue. She had to bring herself down to reality. People will shop when they want to. That it doesn’t mean she is failing or that it isn’t moving as fast. She’s still successful. “Just take each day as it comes,” she says.
“I’m a person that if I start something today, I want it to be perfect tomorrow and that has been another challenge to overcome.”
Another challenge is that of over fantasizing the end goal rather than enjoying every moment. Trying to celebrate the small victories. Such as last month, Anjola finally was able to branch out of her inner circle of customers and had her first stranger purchase her jewelry. She says that, she tries to not allow herself to overthink too much. Either she does it or it will just never get done.
Q:What have been some of your biggest successes?
“My biggest success would have to be starting my costume range.”
At first, she was reluctant because she wanted high end products. But she saw the beauty of the costume range jewelry. After some guidance and advice ,she eventually started to sell the costume range which has proven to do as well as the sterling silver.
Q: Will you ever have an affiliate program?
“I think for now I am more of a boutique. So, I’m happy keeping things for now quiet small. Maybe when I do grow and do more mass production…maybe that is something I’d consider.”
Every Success story starts with a mentor
When I asked her this question, she didn’t hesitate to tell me about her mom and her cousin, Molade Sawyer. As she stated before, her mom is the one that helped and gave her the resources to start this brand. Her cousin was there to help her broaden her styles and designs.
“When I first started picking ideas & styles and drawing them out I was only looking for what I would like. And she was like ‘No, you have to think about what other people would like. Not just your style.’ “
Anjola described her cousin as not being boxed and since she has a jewelry line herself, Anjola saw her as inspiration. Her family was always by her side. Even her 5 siblings. Her older brother, Somi, still till this day helps her with managing and photography for her brand. Her 4 sisters helps her with the promotion of her brand. By supporting her, she has a whole a group of people behind her to back her up on this journey.
I then asked Anjola, if she would ever be a mentor to someone else in her shoes. She never thought about it ,but would love to help people. In the past, she has had people ask her for advice when it came to being in the media profession. It felt good to her and it was great a feeling to see someone succeeding off of her own words.
“If anybody in the future comes to me and says how do I start ,how do I create a brand , I’m more than happy to help.”

Make-up just goes hand-in-hand
Along with having a jewelry brand, Anjola has her own YouTube Channel where she shares her Make-up and skincare tips. Since she was 16 years old , Anjola has always been interested in make-up. Her interest peaked when she was 21, so she started a Beauty Channel to spread her love and talent for make-up.
“With me I feel like I have so many different passions that when I pick up something. I usually forget about the other thing. So make-up has taken a bit of a setback…but I’m for sure coming back to it.”
Her make-up helps when taking pictures for her brand. Being able to save money on a make-up artist and not have to wait on anyone else has it’s advantages.
“Everyone knew me as a girl that was in to make-up…that was my brand. Being what they call in Nigeria, a slay queen. So, when I started doing jewelry it kind of came hand in hand.”
The Future of Milola Jewels
In 5 years time, Anjola can see her brand having a bigger market for more items such as more gold. She is in love with her costume range ,but wants to have a whole luxury line. Something for everyone.
“I definitely see myself expanding to men. I’ve had a few men asking me ‘are we gonna get a men’s line’ and kid’s as well.”
A big future plan, is to make more silver products. Her main focus in the beginning was the silver line and that hasn’t changed for her. Still selling affordable jewelry is something she hopes to continue. She has big hopes for her brand and can’t wait to see it grow.
A Piece of Advice
As the interview was coming to a close, I asked Anjola one last question. “What is some piece of advice you would give yourself or someone starting out where you are?” After taking a minute to compose her thoughts, she laughed a bit at my deep question and proceeded to answer.
Don’t be nervous.
Don’t be scared.
Don’t be anxious.
There’s always something for everyone. No matter what you go in to , just try. She never has let her overthinking stop her from going for her goals. You won’t know where you’ll end up, if you don’t try.
“If there’s something you like and something that you know other people will also like then the world is your oyster….you can literally expand and create a name for yourself.”
Thank you ,Anjola!
I’d like to thank Anjola for agreeing to this interview and agreeing to let me write about her. With social media, I’m always seeing her thrive and create a name for herself. Just like what I’m trying to do right now.
You can find Anjola on YouTube as Anjola D and on Instagram . Links are below. Check out Milola Jewels! They ship internationally. If any of these pieces you saw in this blog caught your eye, shoot her a DM!
Milola Jewels Instagram:
Anjola’s Instagram:
Anjola Beauty/Lifestyle Channel:
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