
Body Confidence: 5 Reminders For The New Year

body positivity

Hello everyone and happy holidays! 2022 is this week. But as the holidays wind down, so does the holiday feasts & deserts. And with the new year comes the new year resolutions. I for me,  almost every year, I add the same resolution…get in better shape. Or start a new diet. Or plan a healthier lifestyle. So many young women make this same action in the beginning of the year. But life catches up for most and we never follow through. Leaving us with the same negative mindset & nosy questions people ask. All this revolves around your body confidence. 

It wasn’t till this year that I decided to let go of such a resolution. I know the holidays can really bring on some difficult situations when it comes to body weight. Having family members constantly comment on your body. Seeing social media posts of people “snapping back” so easily. It can leave a person feeling discouraged. So, here are 5 reminders for your body confidence during this new year, 


As someone who has struggles with their weight for years. Fluctuating on numbers is something that does pull down a person. Watching the scale go up and down. Having family members point out the new differences in weight gain.  But your weight not equate to your worth. And it fluctuating isn’t a bad thing either. Body standards have made society forget that not everyone has the same genes. Not everyone can lose weight and gain abs the same way others do. People have health conditions, eating disorders, allergies, etc. These factors tie in to your overall health and may not make it easy for you to be at the body place you want. But at the end of the day all that ruins your body confidence. Forcing you to try and fit in this box. 

Weight gain is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s nothing to beat yourself up over. It is completely normal. Especially after the past couple of years we’ve had. Your weight may fluctuate ,but your worth will not. 

body confidence

2. Body Confidence = Body Acceptance

I talk about how body confidence a lot on this blog. But at the same time, in my own personal life, I had to work up to it. I still am. And quite frankly, when people talk about being confident in your body, it seems they leave out a crucial detail. That in order to be confident in your body. You need to accept it at the same time. Body confidence and body acceptance go hand in hand. 

Before you try to start that crazy diet or go on that vigorous gym routine, try to look at how your body is. How it functions. How it reacts to certain foods. Understand that in order to become the person you want to be in this body, you have to learn to appreciate for how it was made. It’s a mentality thing. You don’t go in to a race not mentally prepared. So, why would you do that for your own personal health?

I know this is one is subjective. It’s a preference to a person’s health whether they need a diet or not. But I’m talking about in general. As a Public Health major, I have to study the biology of the human body. And that includes a bit about diet. Well, news flash! Most “diets” that people rave about are actually doing more harm than good to your overall health. You don’t need to diet in order to be a better you. Quite frankly, there is more to the “new year, new me” mantra than just dieting and weight loss. 

Everyone talks about starting a new years diet. But sit down and ask yourself…why I need to lose weight? Is it stemming from certain toxic people in your life that are bringing you down? Are they insecurities that need to be addressed in a more healthy way? Ask yourself the why to see if you’re doing it for the right reasons. 

body positivity

Plain and simple. There is no need for people to have access to the information that is your body. They don’t need to know what you’re doing with it, how you’re taking care of it, etc. So many of us have family memebers that decide it’s okay to comment on our bodies. To point out the flaws. Keep picking at the weight gain. Or make a big deal about the weight loss. As if the fact you changed finally gave you some value.  You need to realize that no one has the right to know anything about your body. And you can put up the boundaries and set the rules on what people can say about your body. Body confidence isn’t just about loving how you look. It’s also about standing up for yourself and how you look. 

5. You don't need to "snap back" for the New Year's

How many times have you seen someone say they got their “holiday weight” off? Or that they finally “snapped back” after the holidays. Good for these people. Everyone should be happy in how they look and the way they get there. But don’t feel obligated to have to “snap back” yourself. As if you need to in order to start the year off right.  There’s no need or rush to get in to shape in the beginning of the new year. “Snapping back” is something that is unrealistic. A standard that leads to self guilt & unhealthy relationships with food. Take the time you need to become the person you want to be. 


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