
Body Neutrality or Body Positivity: Which One Is Better For You?

Body neutrality or body positivity

As I go through my healing with my body, I’ve come to learning new perspectives. Especially when it comes to the body positivity community. A couple weeks ago, I was scrolling on Tik Tok and came up on a plus size content creator. She was talking about how body positivity can be actually hurtful to some people. That body neutrality might actually be what is more capable for some. And it got me thinking about my own relationship with my body. As well as what journey works for me. And it got me thinking that if I feel like this, then maybe there are young women out there that feel this way as well. So, let’s talk about it. Body neutrality or Body Positivity, which one is better for you? 

To make it simple, body neutrality is “is the idea that you can exist without having to think too much about your body one way or another, positive or negative.” That you can simple just exist in your body. And still get the respect you deserve even without thinking about your body. Or, feeling good about it one day and not as good about it the next. Body neutrality is the idea of accepting your body as it is in its current state. Unlike the body positivity movement, it does not need to involve self-love talk or mantras about your body…. Additionally, body neutrality encourages you to see your body as a functional vessel.

What is Body Positvity?

Body positivity refers to the assertion that all people deserve to have a positive body image, regardless of how society and popular culture view ideal shape, size, and appearance. Some of the goals of the body positivity movement include: Challenging how society views the body.Encouraging acceptance of self and others, regardless of body shape and size, helps decrease bullying and judgment among kids. It also helps protect against a negative self-image and unhealthy attempts at changing body shape and weight.

body positivity or body neutrality
  • Do I love how my body is right now?
  • Am I in the mental state to accept it?
  • Am I willing to put in the work right now to change how I look for the better?
  • What do I need in order for me to love myself?
  • How is my self-esteem?
  • Is the way my body looks really that important?
  • What do I need right now?

So, which one is best for me? Body Positivity or Body Neutrality

The answer to this question is : It’s entirely up to you.  When I first started on body positivity I always felt like I could fully go through with it. The mantras & the affirmations never helped. Changing my mindset was not helping. And social media made things worse. But for me, body neutrality just feels right for where I’m at right now. 

So, I encourage you to figure out the same. What feels right for you right now in your life? If body positivity is what is easier for you or seems more aligned with your thought process. Then you go on that journey with your body. But if you don’t even want the body talk . Or the affirmations. The effort to love yourself even on the days that you can’t even look in the mirror. Then by all means, pick what you need to figure out. 

Personally for me, body neutrality so far has actually helped much more than I thought it was. I’ve been able to lessen my guilt eating. The feeling of always needing to be grateful for my body. And acknowledging the things I don’t like has actually made me more motivated to become a better me. With that, I encourage you to sit with yourself. And truly ask yourself what you want to take away from all this. 

body positivity or body neutrality



So, glad you enjoyed this week’s post. I know it is a short one this week ,but school just started. And it’s time to get back in to the swing of things. That means no more procrastination on blog posts. (Can you tell I wrote this on Monday night?) Either way, I hope your week goes well. Thank you for reading. Remember, you can always subscribe to my email for more exclusive content. 

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