
Growth: 5 Bad Habits You Need To Leave In 2021

Hello, everyone! Whether you’re a new reader or a returning one, welcome to another T.A & Co. post. I don’t know about you ,but January has been going by so slow. The beginning of the new year already has brought it’s new stressors. And created new memories with people. But something that I had to get in order before 2021 ended was checking in on myself. Asking how I thought this year went. What good things happened, how can I improve, & things like what tools I need to be a better me this 2022. You may have done the same thing. Did a little end of the year check in. Well, I feel like this year for all of us has a common word and that is GROWTH. 

I feel like the past two years have left a lot of us stagnant. Maybe your life was halted and have you stuck in a frozen state. Or maybe you just had so much life happen that you never had time to breathe. To figure out who you are at this moment in time. Growth is essential to who we are as people. It’s a constant in our lives. In order to promote positive growth, we need to get rid of what isn’t working anymore. Certain bad habits that aren’t benefiting us. From what I’ve observed about people & my own life. Here are some bad habits to leave in 2021. 

What is up with this “the grind never stops” mentality that we’ve adopted as a society? It never helps anyone. And it doesn’t end well. Our bodies having many moving parts. Each one depending on the other. As soon as one part is out of service, it’s a domino effect. You need a rest. You need to recharge. Whether that is socially, physically, emotionally. Give yourself the space to just be in your own presence. Often times I feel like we just are constantly moving. Especially in this day and age. We gotta hustle to the next thing. Never stopping to just smell the roses. But that can cause us to burn out. And I know for sure a lot of us are burnt out. You can’t grow when you’re low on stamina. It just doesn’t work. 

How To Fix This Habit:

Set aside time in you schedule for resting. Whether that is setting a reminder or putting it in to your calendar. Silence your phone. Find a quite space.  And let yourself recharge. If you can do it daily, have it be at least 15-30 minutes. If you can, take a day off. Whatever can fit your lifestyle. Just take a break. 

2. Saying "yes" to everything

You’re spreading yourself too thin. Do you ever say yes to plans weeks or days ahead? But then when the events comes you are drained. Forgetting to take in to account the other parts of life that are happening at the same time. Don’t feel bad if you do this. I do this from time to time as well. We just want to cram as much as we can. Thinking that we are racing the clock. But  we also say yes to things despite our own feelings/comfortability. Maybe you’re having a tough week. Anxiety has you at a chokehold. But your friend just asked you to go to this bar with her. You say yes. Even though your social anxiety is gripping you so tight. You don’t have to say “yes” to everything. 

How To Fix This Habit:

Teach yourself to be mindful of your own time & availability. I don’t just mean schedule wise. But how you are at that moment & what’s going on in your life. It’s not selfish to put yourself first. I think society tries to shame us on that. So, before saying yes to that party ask yourself some questions. How am I feeling in this moment? Will I be okay with this in the future? Am I mentally available to put this in my life right now? This is the type of growth you want to see in your life. 


I’m a bit of a hypocrite with this one. It’s currently 12:11am when I’m writing this. So, I’m already struggling with this habit. But It’s true. You function better when you get enough sleep. If not the full 8 hours at least 6-7 hours. You’ll see that your brain function is better. You have more energy. And if you’re a coffee person, you may just not need coffee. 

How To Fix This Habit: 

Create a night routine. I’ve found that when I stick to a routine. I’m more prone to sticking to it and accomplishing my good habits. Knowing a set time to go shower. Rewinding at the end of the night with  a book and low lighting. Instead of just aimlessly scrolling on Tik Tok. I put my phone down 30 minutes before I got to sleep. In order to not have my brain still be active. Especially, if you have insomnia like me. A nightly routine is a great thing to incorporate in your life. It’s the best thing for your growth. Not just as a person ,but for your body as well. 


If this pandemic has taught me anything is that we can’t keep going back to the negatives. It seems so easy to. You’d rather just wallow in the negatives. To list how things got bad and because of that you know it won’t get better. Trust me, I know. Focusing on the negative is a major habit even I’m trying to break.  It’s like we don’t want to see ourselves happy. As if, we’d rather out ourselves down first before building ourselves up. 

How To Fix This Habit:

A great way to help with a negative mindset is gratitude journals. When you wake up, list 3 things you’re grateful for. It can be anything. Gratitude is something that we forget to have. Despite the negatives, we still have this. You still have a car. You still have a place to live. A loving support system. The negatives blind us. Puts us in a fog. Meditation is also a great way to help sort through the negativity. There are so many great (& free) guided meditation apps now a days. I even have one. It’s called MyLife. Growth is hindered when you block your mind. If you want to read more on how to aide in getting rid of a negative mindset. Click the link below to my blog post on that exact topic. 

5 Simple Ways To Ditch A Negative Mindset

Click the button below to check out this post!

5. Neglecting your mental health

If I can be for sure about one thing this year. It is that everyone needs to start taking care of their mental well being. And others need to acknowledge that fact. Our own mental psyche can only take so much. It’s like a delcate bridge. With the right amoutn of weight it’ll just snap. Collapsing under the pressure. And what’s under it to catch whatever is on top is not even reliable  it self. For some reason, society wants us to make us feel like we shouldn’t need help. That having a bad mental health state is normal and apart of being an adult. It’s not. Neglecting your mental health is like neglecting your whole body. Hindering the growth you so want to achieve. 

How To Fix This Habit:

Take your health seriously. Go in for your doctor visits. Invest in healthy coping mechanisms. Seek a therapist if you need one. Cut out toxic people from your life. Learn new hobbies. Find what makes YOU happy. The list can go on. Just make yourself a priority. Make your mental health a priority. 



I hope your 2022is going good so far. I’ve been trying to refresh this blog for the new year. If you head to the About Page, I added some new stuff there. Which I’m excited to showcase on here now. I’m turning 21 next month which is a lot ,but hey. That’s life for ya. Thank you for reading this week’s post. If you’re enjoying my blog, feel free to subscribe to my weekly newsletter. There you can get access to FREE giveaways, workshop content, and much more! Head to the “SignUp & Join T.A & Co.” Tab !  

Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you wanna talk more about this week’s post or any other post, shoot me a DM on Instagram!  Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies.  Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!

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