
How to Declutter Your Wardrobe in Time For Summer

Declutter your closet

Ever since the pandemic started, I have been trying to have my clothing fit my aesthetic more. Which resulted in me having to gradually declutter my wardrobe. If you’re like me, you picked up a bit of an online shopping addiction while cooped up in the house. Leaving me with all these great new pieces of clothing. But no space for any of it. Even while thrift shopping I’ll bring home a bag if clothing only for it to stay there because I have no room for it. At this point, I had to just sort through my entire closet and get rid of some stuff. We are all excited for a Hot Girl Summer, but before you load up that shopping cart. How about you declutter your wardrobe to make some room for those great statement pieces.

Have piles for different things

The best way to start decluttering is to break down the clothing with this first question: When was the last time I wore this? Individually grab each clothing and ask yourself that question. Then start setting the clothing in to the piles for each answer. Have a pile for the clothes you never have worn or only worn once or twice. Have another one for clothes you have word recently in the last couple months to a year. Then a third pile for clothing that you wear very often or almost every week. Once you have these piles, then you continue to minimize everything in to different piles as you gp. Eventually, you’ll get to the clothes that you want to keep.

A decluttered wardrobe
Some Earth-toned Closet inspo

Don’t just throw out your old clothes

Now, if the jeans have a hole in the seams of the butt or a paint stain that can’t be washed out then throw it out. But if they are still good in pretty good condition then you have a couple options. Say some of your clothing’s are a bit newer and less worn then try and sell them back to places like Plato’s Closet or a local thrift store that buys clothing. This way if you can get some money for that clothing you bought but never worn. Try to have a garage sale and sell the clothing’s on your own!

If the buying back method doesn’t work out then head over to your local Goodwill, Salvation army, or any thrift store and donate your clothes. Instead of just keeping bags of it and throwing it out, just donate it. You’ll be helping a complete stranger by donating it and letting it be sold at an affordable price. Any of these methods are better and more useful than just dumping it in the trash. The first time I decluttered my closet, I had about 3 bags full of clothing ready to be given to Goodwill.

Set a limit for how many clothes in each category

We all have that one clothing category that is larger than the other. Maybe we own only four nice blouses ,but over 10 pairs of jeans. Five of which you only wear a few times because it only looks good with a certain shirt. The best way to make sure your wardrobe stays decluttered is to set a limit. Have you ever heard of the phrases “quality over quantity”? It is better to have a few good pieces than a bunch of low quality ones. In reality, we don’t need that many articles of clothing. Take the step and toss those clothing’s. Decluttering is a process.

Just declutter…you’re never going to wear it again

Maybe you have that one dress or that one sexy blouses that you wore once…and only once. You keep it in your closet because maybe, just maybe, you will wear it one more time. That maybe it will be useful once again. Sweetie, it is just taking up space in your wardrobe. In order to declutter successfully, you need to be able to let go of certain things. Majority of the clothing that I tossed were saved in my closet because I kept saying that I’d wear it again. That I could make it work with the new style I was trying to achieve. But in reality, I was just hording because I didn’t want the off chance that I would need it. News Flash! That off chance never happens. Just declutter that one top you wore on that one vacation. Your closet will thank you later.

Optimize your space for less declutter
Optimize your space

Saving space = less decluttering

Optimize all the space you have in your room and in your closet to help with decluttering. If you can have a shoe rack as a good bedroom decor or as a nice way to organize your closet. Have crates or bins to store your off seasonal clothes so it isn’t taking up space when not needed. Being able to organize your clothes’ to different sections will help you make room where needed and not have you closet feel so small. Categorize your formal clothes together. Put the jeans with the jeans and the vintage tees all together in color order. Also by saving space, it’ll be easier to see what clothing you have. Which will help when it comes to shopping for certain items. A clean wardrobe just feels good to have as well.

Does it fit your new style?

Most of us have gone through our fashion evolutions. We look back at old pictures and can’t believe that we actually followed that old trend. As a person that was there for 2000s and the 2010s trends, I had some not so good fashion choices. Let’s just say in highschool, leggings under some jean shorts with a YOLO t-shirt was not the best decision.

As we continue to mature and grow so does our taste in fashion. Maybe we stay with the same aesthetic ( me and my emo ways for example) ,but it didn’t change persae. It just got refined. So, your wardrobe needs to reflect that. This is usually a big reason as to why most of us has to declutter our closets. We still have those old trends stuck somewhere and were to lazy to toss out. Well, now is the time. As you buy new clothing to fit who you are now ,let go of who you were before. It sounds deeper than what it is I know.


The process of decluttering is kind of deep in a way. You’re shedding away a lot of baggage that you willingly kept. Maybe some of these clothing’s have bad memories stuck with them. Or remind you of a apart of you that you know you aren’t anymore. Decluttering shouldn’t be something to be sad about. See it as like rejuvenating. Like you’re renewing yourself in a way.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s post. The aesthetics and beauty category have been lacking which I will try to do better at lol. Don’t forget to share the blog around with your friends and family. Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! I’m trying to connect with my community better through there. It makes it easier to try and get to know you guys. Welp, until next time 🙂