
How To Get The Best Deals During Black Friday

best deals

It is November and you know what that means!? It’s time for the holidays? I am very much the person that once Halloween is over ,I immediately whip out the holiday decorations. But there is one holiday that I would never skip over. And that is Black Friday. Ya know what the best part of Black Friday is? It’s finessing the best deals out of your favorite stores. Over the years, my mom and I have found ways to get the best out of our Black Friday without leaving the house.  So, with it coming up, I thought it’d be fun to share the tips and tricks I learned for this holiday. 

Check for the deals/sales the week of

You’d be surprised at how many stores actually start their Black Friday sales before the day of. Or which stores have hidden sales to lead up to the day. When it comes to getting the best deals, you’re going to have to do some digging . Online and in person. Be sure to look out for coupons,  for special deals that may in person, or if you’re a member for a store. Check your membership to see if you get early access to certain sales. Getting the best deal will have to use up some of your time and critical thinking. 

best deals

Sometimes online has better deals

I know running to the store is the exciting part of Black Friday. Being able to sit outside the store. Getting first dibs. But have you ever thought to shop online? Last year, I was supposed to go to Forever 21 in person. But I decided to check the deals online and they were way better than the in-store deals. Do your research for online shopping. Since the pandemic pushed people online. The best deals are now having to be online in order to gain more sales for the day. 

Wanna buy electronics? Remember, Cyber Monday

Wait till Cyber Monday! I don’t know how many people I see buy new TVs, new laptops, new iPhones, etc. on Black Friday. But then Cyber Monday comes and Best Buy comes out with all these better deals for electronics. When it comes to Black Friday, do your research on what you should buy on Friday. Or wait till the best deals comes out on that Monday. 

best deals

Compare prices

Comparing prices is the best way to save money. Especially with clothing. Say you want a Converse. Say that store is having a BOGO sale ,but Journeys is doing a 50% all shoes. You’d be more inclined to do the 50%. Either way you are getting Converse. Doesn’t mattter which store they come from. Getting the best deals means that you may just want to buy what you want at a different store. In order to save money from the sales. 

Plan where to shop

The worst thing my mom and I did the one year we went out shopping on Black Friday morning. (Like I’m talking 12 am). We didn’t plan where to shop. We also didn’t plan on what to buy. I think my mom just wanted to see what she could buy on a whim. But we went to JCPenny and by the first hour it was trashed. Plan out where to shop, which store has the best deals, and any other variables you want to iron out. Also, plan which stores are not so safe to go to that night. Maybe you should wait till later in the day in order to avoid being trampled. Something to think about. 


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