
How To Make The Most Of Your College Experience

College is something that in high school they hype up so much. It’s always talking about the college experience. What parties you are going to. Eating at the dining hall and moving in to the dorms. It’s something that the average teenager thinks about for their 4 years. But how do you make the best of an already rotten situation? I’m sure it was in no one’s education plan for a pandemic to come in to play.  It sure as hell wasn’t in mine. Some of us had to just go with the flow. As much as we want the normal college experience, it may just be a tab bit different. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. So, here are some ways on how to make the most of your college experience. 

Remember, your college experience is what you make of it

Put yourself out there during your college experience

For the past year and a half, we have all had to resort to staying indoors. * Cue that one SpongeBob episode with the chip & the penny* If you’re like me, then talking to people is something that just fills you with fear. For my fellow social anxiety people, college in general fills us with dread. Conversating with people and networking is all about that college experience. But what if you haven’t been able to practice on your communication skills for a year? Well, the only way to get over that fear is to put yourself out there. 

Trust me, I am having to take my own advice as well. Now, I don’t mean saying hi to every person you come in to contact with. This could mean trying to go to the available events at your university. Or getting up the courage to speak to your roommate. You aren’t going to make friends by staying silent. Eventually, you’re going to have to just take the bull by the horns. You may just surprise yourself. 

College experience

Get involved on campus

Whether it’s community college or a four year college, it’s easy to fall in to a mundane routine. From the dorm to class and doing it all over again. Your college experience will soon become boring. The only way to fix this problem is to break the cycle. Usually in the first couple weeks of the fall semester, colleges will have events lined up. Go out and go to the booths. Meet new clubs. Find out about all the organizations that sound interesting to you. 

Making the most of college is up to what you want to do. If you’d rather just sit in your dorm and watch tv for the next 2 semesters then by all means do that. But if you’d like to enjoy the time you have. Then you gotta make the most of it with what you have. The pandemic screwed up a lot of in person activities. Although enjoy the ones are available. 

Enjoy the amenities

Whether it is the gym or the student center. Make sure to enjoy the amenities to the best of your abilities.  When I was in community college, I used the heck out of the mini study spots. I would just have my headphones in and tune out everyone. But now that I’m in my four year, I get a library to use. Which I will definitely use the heck out of. If you’ve been meaning to make a healthier lifestyle for yourself. Then take charge of it. There is no more mom or dad to motivate you to be your best self. It all lies on you. If you want to wake up at 8am and go to the gym. Then you make that routine for yourself. Especially if you’re living on campus. You’re paying for all this. Might as well use it. 

college experience

Keep an open mind!

This is a new chapter in your life. No more highschool rules. But this also brings new experiences. Maybe some that may just scare you a bit. College can be overwhelming. There is so much to get involved in and so many events to go to. The worst thing you could do is go in with assumptions. It’s good to have expectations. But don’t set them so high that you let yourself down. College experiences is not the same for everyone. Some people join the Greek Life. Other join NHS and other organizations. Hey, some people drop out or flunk out or even worse get kicked out. No college experience is the same ,so it is up to you to make yours unique. 

Keep an open mind to new opportunities. An open mind to meeting new people and making new connections. You never know what is going to happen in these 4 yours. Or who you will meet. Wouldn’t it suck if you missed such a memorable opportunity because you already said no before the question could be asked? You can’t relive these years. So, don’t be a debby downer and ruin the fun for yourself. 

Make the best of your college experience despite the odds

Like I said in the beginning. A pandemic wasn’t on any of our bingo boards for our college experience. It has probably been the worst thing to happen to us college students. Honestly, it has bummed me out for the past year and a half. I started off in community college, so I never got the full college experience. My four year university was my chance to experience everything I wanted to. But then my one face to face class got put to online.  The amount of disappointment I felt. Ugh, it felt like my one chance at a normal college experience was gone. But then my parents and brother talked to me they gave me a bit of advice. 

The pandemic isn’t going anywhere. As much as we can pout and be down about the whole situation. We gotta just get up and make the most of the situation. Our college experience isn’t going to wait for the pandemic to pass. The time is going to keep ticking and we just have to make the best of it. 


I hope that everyone can enjoy this fall semester while it lasts. Who knows what’s going to happen next with Covid. Either way, I’m still excited about this new chapter in my life. 

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