Hello T.A & Co. Community! They say your twenties is your time to be selfish. That it’s the time of firsts. And I am starting to see that more and more. With all the posts and content on living in your 20s, it sparked an idea. A series on living in my 20s. What I’m learning along this unique journey in my life. So, here’s the first part to this series. Motivation is a big topic that is going around a lot. How to keep focus & figure out what we want in our life. But at the same time, trying to become a well rounded adult can be just as difficult.
But something that I’ve had to learn through trials is how to stay motivated. So, why not share some ways I’ve learned. Better yet they’re pretty easy to adapt to. Especially, as a 20-something who is juggling a job, college, and just life in general.
Having routines has helped me get through the day easier. Especially, when certain days are the same and there’s room for free time. Whether it is a skincare routine, morning routine, or night routine. I noticed when I set routines in place it would help alleviate my anxiety. Also, it just helps creates good habits in the long run. As well as stay organized. And this is coming from a top tier procrastinator. If you’re not used to setting routines ,best to start small. Having alarms set for a set time you can wake up everyday regardless if it’s a day off or not. Just being able to establish a good sleep routine will also help with your health. Even reduce burnout which I can say is true.

2. Establish monthly goals
Another easy way to practice motivation is to set monthly goals. I recently adapted this last year and it has helped get me a lot. I’ve seen that with monthly goals I find it easier to keep focus. Setting goals helps trigger new behaviors, helps guides your focus and helps you sustain that momentum in life. Goals also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. Making sure that your goals are attainable is an important aspect. As well as remembering that once you set the goal, you won’t just get motivated like that. It’s a daily effort to take align action to accomplish these goals.
I don’t know what I’d do without my to-do lists. It is the only way I can stay on track for the week. Usually on either Saturday or the Sunday of the new week. I will sit at my desk and go to Notion. There I will plan out my week to-do list. Especially, during the school semester, it is easy to loose track of due dates. And with content creation, I can’t be procrastinating like I always do.
So, I’ll schedule out what needs to get done on what day as well as my work schedule. And other events I have going on as well. It helps give a visual to my week. Never leaving me feeling so overwhelmed. It reduces my stress & helps with my motivation. Whether you like digital planners or hard copies. Planning out daily to-do lists are great. Make sure to never go above 5 things on the list. Quality is better than quantity.

Something I do daily in the morning is right after I wake up, I make my bed. No matter how tired I am. It’s just a great way to help clear your space to start the day. As well as keeping your space clean. It’s actually been proven that making your bed everyday has positive benefits. It helps reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, and even increase productivity. Your space mirrors your mental state. And when it is disorganized ,so is your mind. And so is your motivation for the day.
I try to make it a good habit to clear up at least one part of my bedroom as I’m winding down before bed. Whether it’s putting away my clothes, clearing my desk, or organizing my vanity desk for my make-up. Keep your space tidy for better productivity the next day. Of course, if you’re like me and you struggle with your mental health. It can be hard somedays to even just get out of bed. I always just remember that as long as I’m trying, then that’s good enough.
5. Invest in yourself
What do you think investing in yourself looks like? This is something I had to reevaluate at the beginning of the year. Whether I was putting enough energy, time , effort in to my own life. So, I decided to learn how to invest in myself. Of course, I don’t have it down to a science. But I’ve learned how to put myself first. Investing in yourself can be emotionally, physically, or even spiritually. It can look like you setting aside time for yourself in your daily routine. Or making sure to budget money aside for yourself. Whatever it looks like to you, invest in yourself. Motivation isn’t the easiest thing to maintain. But when you put the energy and work in to your own endeavors, you’ll see the results. And it’ll make it even sweeter.
I actually turned 21 recently & it dawned on me that I’m in my 20s. Like I’m living this journey out and in the middle of this societal chaos. But if what I learn can help out other people then it’s worth it a bit. Thank you for reading this week’s post. It was a short ,quick one for this week. If you want to get updated on when I post subscribe to my email list. And also you can follow me on my Instagram & Tik Tok!
Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you wanna talk more about this week’s post or any other post, shoot me a DM on Instagram! Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies. Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!
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