LGBTQ+ Motivation

Pride Month: How to Be a Helpful LGBTQ+ Ally 24/7

You guys, it’s June. And I hope everyone knows what that means. It’s PRIDE MONTH!!!! Probably, one of the months that I look forward to every year. It’s just so great to see the LGBTQ+ community thrive and flaunt their flags all month. Also, it’s hilarious to see the homophobic people squirm even more. It brings a smile to my face. But Pride Month also comes with the support of allies.

As an ally, it is so important to help uplift the community in the best ways possible. As we’ve seen with POC communities, there are people termed as “white saviors” that take the ally position too far. Using out trauma as a tool to help them feel better about their advocating. But this post is not about the negatives. It’s a helpful tool guide to any ally’s out there. Maybe you want to know what it takes to be an ally or maybe you want to be a better one.

1. Educate yourself as an LGBTQ+ Ally

When it comes to knowing your knowledge on the LGBTQ+ community, it is great to talk to people you know. But at the same time, they shouldn’t be your sole resource. It’s also on you to do the work and the research when it comes to this. Just because someone is apart of the community doesn’t mean they have to be know all of everything. They may not know in depth of all the important historical events. Or know the definitions and background info to all the sexualities’. If researching all this on your own seems too much or too trivial then maybe you should take that up with yourself. Being an LGBTQ+ ally is a role that you choose on your own. Quite frankly, researching is the bare minimum. But if it’s all that you can do then great! Research all you can and educate yourself as much as you can.

2. Speak Up as a LGBTQ+ Ally ,but also…

Being an LGBTQ+ ally isn’t just performative. It’s not just having the emoji on your bio or waving the flag when you wanna boast on your “activism. As an ally, you gotta be able to stick up for the community. Whether someone is watching or not. It’s not just about the parades, the kikis, and watching RuPual’s Drag Race. There are more tougher and serious ways to show your support & unity. If you see someone being homophobic or you know someone that is just not giving the positive vibes, call them out. Whether that’s online or in person. Now, don’t try and fight hate with hate. Quite frankly, that may get you no where. But as an LGBTQ+ Ally it is so important to speak up.

LGBTQ+  Ally

3. …Amplify LGBTQ+ voices!

As much as it is important to speak up, you also don’t want to drown out the community’s voices. This problem is seen in many communities. Where the allies are speaking over the people who are actually in the community. It’s great to want to express your own opinions on the issues and events. But at the same time remember that you aren’t the one getting oppressed. This is also very much seen with POC LGBTQ+ people. Allies will talk over them , especially when it’s their trauma that is being brought up. Recognize the time and place to speak up without drowning out the important voices. Great ways to amplify LGBTQ+ voices is by:

  • Retweeting their tweets on Twitter
  • Liking & sharing their posts on Instagram
  • Letting LGBTQ+ people speak when their voices need to be heard
  • When in a discussion, let them lead it.

4. Support LGBTQ+ businesses, educators, artists, etc.

We all know that during Pride month, a lot of companies want to cash grab hard. Some are better than others in the way that they are a continuing support of the community and outwardly show it year round. Then there are those companies that only show “support” when it involves them getting money. Instead of giving money to those stupid cash grabbers, spend it where it will be more beneficial. Donate to LGBTQ+ organizations. Buy from their businesses and support their artists. Support some of your favorite LGBTQ+ content creators as well. Show them some extra love this month.

5. Find ways to support your own loved ones

Somehow ,someway we all became apart of the LGBTQ+ community through one of their wonderful people. Personally, many of my friends are apart of the community. With a range of sexualities and backgrounds. There are even friends that aren’t even out to their families yet. The best way to be a LGBTQ+ Ally this month and quite frankly 24/7 is by showing your support for your loved ones. Maybe you have a friend who is questioning. Or a friend that is out ,but didn’t get to have one of those happy coming out stories. Showing extra support this month is so important. Pride month is their month to celebrate who they are.


Here are some ways to show support to your LGBTQ+ loved ones!

  • Use their proper pronouns/names
  • Make a small gesture or two. Ex: Going with them to their first pride parade or even hanging up a rainbow/their sexualities’ flag.
  • Listen & try to be understanding
  • If someone comes out to you, don’t share their story without their permission

6. Respect the boundaries, know your place

Remember that Pride isn’t all about the allies or the heterosexuals in the world. There is a very good reason as to why straight people don’t have their own month to celebrate. It’s because in society, straight people are celebrated and applauded for their sexuality everyday. This is the time for the LGBTQ+ community to head to the streets and celebrate how far they’ve come in history. Don’t try to make this month as a way to show off how much you love Gay people. The worst thing you could do is have a savior complex. Try not to bring up trauma for the community to speak in and think that is activism. Quite frankly, the best thing you could is confront your own homophobia and prejudice, as uncomfortable as it may be. But being an ally starts with you as a person. You can’t preach what you teach, if you won’t even take the time to admit your own wrong doings.

Be the best LGBTQ+ ally you can be, keep taking action!

Lets have this Pride Month be as fun as we can make it. Remember, we are still in a pandemic. So, be safe when it comes to Pride parades ,if you attend any. Make sure to show out for your loved ones who are apart of the community. The best thing I can say to being a good ally is that don’t let the momentum stop on June 30th. Being an ally is a full time job. It lasts year round.

I have some great posts planned for this month. Some of my LGBTQ+ friends have graciously agreed to help me out and let me share their stories. I’m so thankful to have them in my life. Even more thankful to have such great people around. Remember, new posts come out every Tuesday. Don’t forget to follow me on all my socials to be updated when I post. If you have any topics you want me to write about, shoot me a message on Instagram! Until next time 🙂 !