There is something I always try and remember when it comes to dressing myself. It’s that not everyone is built the same. There are curvy bodies, thin girls, thicker girls. …
Confidence: 5 Ways How To Dress Your Body Confidently

Lifestyle. Wellness. Aesthetic. Motivation
There is something I always try and remember when it comes to dressing myself. It’s that not everyone is built the same. There are curvy bodies, thin girls, thicker girls. …
We all have been let down at some point in our lives. Whether it was a relationship that didn’t go anywhere. Or not getting the position you wanted. Getting let …
Hello, everyone! It’s been a week since I posted and I have a good reason as to why. Quite frankly, I was not there mentally to write. A lot was …
Over the course of two and a half years, I have spent some time learning how to shop. Now you must be wondering why shopping is a skill to learn. …
For my third post for Pride Month, I was able to sit down and interview one of my friends. She requested that she remain anonymous. Seeing as that she still …
On June 19th, 1865 , Juneteenth was created and has been celebrated on this day ever since. Some may know it as Emancipation Day or Freedom Day. On that date …
In my last post, I talked about how to be the best ally to the LGBTQ+ community. It was a great way to kick off pride month. Over the year, …
You guys, it’s June. And I hope everyone knows what that means. It’s PRIDE MONTH!!!! Probably, one of the months that I look forward to every year. It’s just so …
With social media and new fashion trends, it seems like everyone already has their own personal style down. They know which shops they will buy from and what aesthetic they …
We all want to have the trendy and bougie make-up. From Fenty to LancĂ´me to Morphe. We want to have the high-end name brand and have it propped up in …