
College: 5 Helpful Habits To Start Trying This Fall

College helpful habits

For my college readers, we go start our Fall semester at the end of this month. Whether you are an incoming freshman or a struggling junior. College is already going to be a bit of a struggle. Every new year comes with it’s own challenges. Some of us are even starting to take the classes that pertain to our major. Which is exciting ,but also a bit terrifying as well. In my two years of college, I’ve tried many habits and had to get rid of a lot. So, how about we start off this semester trying some helpful habits. College is too expensive to waste. 

1. Set up a note-taking system

Notes is pretty much one of the important staples in college that is easy to slack on. And one of the staples that is the most important. With good notes, it’s harder to have an excuse as to why you’re failing. In highschool, they give us all these note taking systems and check up on you to see if you’re following along. College you have more free reign to accommodate to your learning style. Are you a visual, auditory, or more of a hands on learner? Either way, your note system should be good enough for you to look back and study from. Even if this means recording the lecture or spending extra time after class taking extra notes. Whatever works for you, figure it out, nd stick with it in college. It just may be your go to for the next four years. 

When I was highschool, I usually didn’t take the best notes. Either I’d take minimal and wing it. Or I’d take so much that I’d be confused on where to start for studying. It wasn’t until freshman year of college when I finally figured out my note-taking system. Even now as a junior, I’m open to trying new ways to take notes.

2. Plan out your due dates

The worst thing to happen is that you get to class and forgot that there was an exam or quiz that day. Maybe you’re taking online college classes and a major project due date passes. Both which have happened to me during my first two years. Having your due dates planned out will help you be more prepared. Especially with projects. When I saw the due date was say 3 months away. I would plan out the days I’d work on that said project. Just so that I don’t find myself rushing a week or couple days before. Having a planner in general for college is a great way to stay organized. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It could even just be an app on your phone. As long your have your college stuff and life stuff in order. You’ll find time managing to be easier to handle. 

3. Take care of your mental health in college

The one thing most students in college forget (even I have), is to prioritize your mental health. We can go for days on end  just pushing through. Having multiple all nighters. And only surviving on red bull and some chips. But at the end of the day, we forget to give our brain a break. This is a stressful time to navigate. The worst to happen is for you to have a mental breakdown. Many students through college end up suffering with a mental disorder. Most common are depression and anxiety. The A+ in that PSYCH class isn’t worth it if you’re having suicidal thoughts every other day. Or can’t seem to get out of bed in the middle of the day. Even the mere sound of an exam causes you with a panic attack. College is difficult. It’s tiring. So, take a break from time to time. 

studying in college

4. Create a study plan

If you were one of the kids in highschool that just “winged it”. That’s not gonna cut it in college. This is a whole different ball park. Winging a midterm or final exam will just cost you a whole credit. As well as a big dent to your GPA. In the beginning of the semester, try to figure out a studying plan as soon as possible. By doing this you can easily see how you function. And be able to create a sufficient studying habit through out college. Trust me, I hate studying. Never knew how to do it right. It wasn’t till my second semester of my freshman year that I semi learned. College required more brain power than I thought. But eventually, I figured out something. Quizlet and Brainiac are your bestfriends in college. 

don't overwork yourself in college

5. College can get stressful, don't overwork yourself

With having to juggle 12+ credits and a social life. Maybe some of you are like me and have to add a job to the mix. Life already can get stressful. As young adults, we want to make the most of our lives while we can. Have fun when we can. And do the stuff that we can look back on and smile. But college can really make us feel like we trapped under all the books. 

The one thing that I had to keep reminding myself was to not overwork myself. Not only in college ,but in life in general. I wanted to be able to do everything. But eventually it burnt me out. So bad that I started to slack in my college classes. College is important ,but so is your well being. To be honest, college shouldn’t trump your health. Because without you ,the student, then there is no point to the education. 


This semester I have three classes lined up. 2 online and 1 face-to-face. This is my first semester at my four year university. I’m really excited to finally being able to learn what I came to college for. All of these habits really have helped me these past 2 years. I hope it could help most of you. 

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