
Confidence: 5 Ways How To Dress Your Body Confidently

There is something I always try and remember when it comes to dressing myself. It’s that not everyone is built the same. There are curvy bodies, thin girls, thicker girls. Some people have DDs and some have just a cups. Either way, no two bodies are the same. But with social media, we tend to be bombarded with what society says is the ideal body. This can hinder our confidence greatly. To the point that we doubt ourselves. We start to give our bodies negative energy. But, like, who is that helping? Not you. The secret to rocking whatever style you want and whatever clothes you want is confidence. Being able to dress your body confidently. 


So, then how do I dress my body with confidently?

1. Get rid of the external noise

So much of our confidence gets ruined by others opinions and outside sources. Whether it is our Instagram feed or Pinterest searches. We see what society deems the standard for a “beautiful body”. Even when going shopping for clothes. This can all factor to just chipping away at our confidence. By getting rid of the external noise you can see that your body is not a problem. Start with your Instagram feed. Unfollow any accounts that make you feel more insecure than inspired. Know that the likes don’t dictate your value. 

You shouldn’t have to look at your social media and be rushed with negative emotions. Getting to dress your body confidently is possible if your mental state is clear. When I open my Instagram, I am seeing different creators with ranges of body types. Most of them being the same size as me or fairly close to. Their own confidence boosts mine. They remind me that my body isn’t an issue to wear what I want and still feel good in it. Once you get rid of the external noise, you’ll notice a positive difference in your mindset to yourself. 

2. Gain confidence by dressing to your strengths

The best way to dress your body confidently is to dress to your strengths.  If you have a curvier figure, you might be more commanding in a dress than a pantsuit, for example. If you are tall, vertical stripes will emphasize this, while horizontal stripes will do the opposite. Take a look at your features, like leg length versus torso length, or how wide your shoulders are, and take that into account with your body shape and colors. Knowing your strengths will give your confidence a big boost. 

By choosing a flattering shape for your body, then choosing that outfit in a color you look best in, then playing to your strengths, you will have a well coordinated outfit, no matter your style. When you dress to your strengths, it will also help you with your personal style which will lead to your confidence.  ( This is where your finding your personal style comes in to play). Knowing what looks good and what doesn’t will give you a chance to weed out your options. No need to waste time on what isn’t of interest. 

dress confident with the body you have

3. Know that your confidence comes from within

It’s always hard to start building confidence. Heck, I’m still struggling. Some days I’m so in my head about myself. But at the end of the day, you have to know that you are the dictator to your confidence. Even the most confident person can feel insecure despite the compliments. Getting told you’re pretty. Or having the obsessive amount of likes on a picture is great. But does it really mean anything if you don’t even believe it yourself? Someone calls you beautiful ,but in your head you refuse to accept it. The negative thoughts rush in. Being able to dress confidently starts with you. Once you start to accept the confidence and believe it , it’ll show. Your friends, your family, anyone will see a difference. A good difference. 

4. Be your own muse in confidence

This is something that has worked for me in my self-esteem and confidence. I started to become my own muse. By that I mean, I started to take selfies and pictures of myself more. First it started with just face selfies. Whether it was a Snapchat filter or just a no filter. If I felt like I looked cute or nice I’d snap a selfie. Over time, I started to do mirror selfies. Finding different poses and angles to take pictures. 

Eventually, I found the angles that made me feel most confident. Instead  of obsessing’s over other people’s selfies and body pics, I took my own. Comparing myself wasn’t helping. You can spend hours telling yourself “I wish…”. All that time you wasted wishing you could’ve just got up and used that to do something beneficial. You don’t even have to post the photos. Keep them in your gallery and just watch your progression unfold. Hey, maybe one day you will have the confidence to post some of them. 

5. Knowing your comfort level = confidence

Often times we mistake confidence for being uncomfortable. Dressing your body confidently is about being comfortable. It sucks when you are getting ready and immediately you don’t feel comfortable. The dress you thought would fit feels a bit frumpy on you. Maybe you are hyper aware that you’re showing too much skin. Or that blouse is a bit too revealing. Either way, with however you dress, you should always feel comfortable. That is the number #1 priority to dressing confidently. 

Something that I used to find myself doing was I’d buy a item. Not try it on at the store. When I get home and wear it it wouldn’t fit on me how I thought it would. It’d be super unflattering on me. But what I’d do is that I’d keep it. Telling myself that I’d fit it when I lost weight. Or use it as “motivation”. But all it did was wreck my self-esteem & confidence more. I don’t do that now. Eventually, I realized that it wasn’t the best type of motivation. When you dress comfortable, you feel more confident. It goes hand in hand. 


As usual, thank you for reading. Thank you for clicking on my blog. I hope this post helps some of you with your confidence. i know trying to dress confidently can be hard. I am still trying to get to a point where I don’t doubt myself so often. 

 Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you have any suggestions on any other topics to write about shoot me a DM on Instagram.  Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! I’m trying to connect with my community better through there. It makes it easier to try and get to know you guys. If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies.  Don’t forget to share and leave a comment! Welp, until next time! 

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