Hello everyone! Welcome back to another T.A & Co. Tuesday. I believe I’ve touched on this topic before, but this week’s post is on self-worth.
Have you ever had someone tell you, “You are truly amazing, the best thing that could have ever happened to me”? If yes, then you might have experienced a high level of self-worth and self-esteem. But what is it exactly? According to NYTimes.com, “self-esteem is knowing you’re a worthwhile person and being comfortable in your own skin.”
Self-worth has been an important source of anxiety for me in the past years. And I’ll be honest and admit that it does affect me from time to time. In the rough patch of your development, growing up, it seems as if you must grow out of that mindset to develop your own self-worth/self-esteem. However, I have found more ways to build self-worth within yourself and have discovered you can actually improve to reach the point where you no longer need to build self-worth/self-esteem. So, here are 6 ways to build self-worth.

Toxic habits are a real thing. They’re something that we all have, and they can make us feel like shit.
I’m not talking about the occasional vice or bad habit that you occasionally indulge in. I’m talking about the ones that make you feel terrible about yourself and the ones that drag you down every day.
These are the habits that can prevent you from achieving your goals, from being happy, and from living your best life.
Cutting ties with toxic habits is tough. And it’s important to remember that it takes time and effort to change any habit, even if it’s one that isn’t good for you. So be patient with yourself as you work through these steps:
Identify the habit: The first step is to identify what your habit is so that you know what you’re dealing with. If it’s smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol excessively, then those are easy enough to spot (although they may be hard to quit). But what if your habit is something less obvious? Maybe spending too much time on social media or eating sugar-filled snacks when you’re bored are things that cause problems for you — but they don’t seem like “hobbies” per se. It’s still important
2. Learn to date yourself
You may have heard the phrase, “You’re your own worst enemy.” It’s true. We can be our own worst critics. We can also be our own best friends — if we learn to date ourselves.
Dating yourself is about going on solo dates and making an effort to get to know yourself on a deeper level. It’s about taking time out of your busy schedule, even if it’s just for an hour or two, to do something that makes you proud, happy, and fulfilled.
Some people might think it sounds silly to go on a date with yourself, but they simply don’t understand the benefits of doing so.
You’ll become more self-aware
Sometimes we need someone else to tell us what we’re doing right or wrong in order to improve our life experiences. But sometimes you just need to sit down by yourself and think about how you feel and what makes you happy or sad. A date with yourself will help you identify what makes you tick so that when you meet someone new, their actions won’t come as such a shock because you already know what makes them tick too!
You’ll discover new things about yourself
When was the last time you took yourself on a date?
When you’re a young person, it can be difficult to imagine yourself as a fully realized adult. It’s easy to get stuck in the idea that you’re still a child and that you have plenty of time to figure out who you want to become.
But this is the wrong way of thinking. You are not your age. You are a person, with unlimited potential. And if you want to live up to your full potential, then you need to start acting like it.
Ask yourself “Who do I want to become?” then start acting like her
If you want to be successful, stop waiting for someone else’s approval and start doing what successful people do. Asking yourself “who do I want to become?” will lead you down the path of self-discovery and personal growth.

You are the only you. There is no other person who can be you. You are the only one who can experience life through your eyes, hear it through your ears, and feel it through your heart. And this is what makes you special and unique.
You have a purpose that only you can fulfill, and it’s up to you to discover what that is so that you can live out your dreams.
Being yourself means being comfortable in your own skin. It means not caring about what others think about you or what they say about us as long as you know deep down inside that you are doing good things with your life. This is where self-worth thrives. Being able to just be yourself despite the opinions of others.
5. Learn how to put yourself first
It’s not selfish to put yourself first. It’s self-preservation.
There’s a reason why so many of us struggle with putting ourselves first: We were taught that being selfish is wrong. We were taught that we should put others’ needs before our own and be selfless at all costs. We were taught that we are not entitled to our own happiness.
But the truth is that it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. And it’s okay for those people who put themselves first to sometimes think about their own well-being first. If you’re constantly putting others before yourself, you’re going to burn out eventually — and then everyone will suffer because you’ll have no energy left for them!
The key is learning how to be selfish without being destructive or hurtful toward others. Here are some tips on how to do just that:
Set priorities. Figure out what’s important to you and make sure it gets done. If there are certain things that aren’t important or essential, then don’t do them! You can always delegate those tasks to someone else or ask for help from family and friends.
Think about your needs and wants. What do you need in order to feel happy and fulfilled? Is it time alone with no distractions? Or does being around people energize you? Think about what activities bring you joy and treat yourself to those things periodically throughout the week.
Put yourself first sometimes. Self-worth is self-preservation. Having the mature reasoning to say “I need to take care of myself before I can take care of others right now.”
6. Find your personal style
Finding your personal style is a great way to build your self-worth.
As you begin to define who you are and what makes you unique, you will also learn more about the things that make you happy. This will help you identify your true passions and values, which can help you find a career that fits with those things.
Fashion can be a great way to express yourself, but it’s not always as easy as just finding something that looks good on you and buying it. If you don’t know how to dress for yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? Your fashion sense should reflect your personality and interests in order for people to get an accurate glimpse of who you are as a person through what they see on the outside.
True self-worth is really just being comfortable with who you are. That’s it. Whether it comes from within or without, the key question that we should be asking is: “Do I feel okay about myself? Am I okay with who I am?” If you can answer this question with a definitive yes, then you already have true self-worth. If you are still trying to build your self-worth from within, or from others, then take your time. Keep working on yourself and growing, and soon you’ll have true self-worth.
Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you wanna talk more about this week’s post or any other post, shoot me a DM on Instagram! Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! If you didn’t know I have a shop! Head over there and check out the essential oils, perfumes, and other goodies. Don’t forget to share and leave a comment down below! Welp, until next time!
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