Over the course of two and a half years, I have spent some time learning how to shop. Now you must be wondering why shopping is a skill to learn. Well, when you love to spend money on a budget, then shopping is something that you need to be smart at. There are in’s and out’s to it. So much that I have all these shopping advice stored in my head. So, why not share the knowledge. When going shopping, buying the name brands is great and so much fun. But not everything is worth spending $20 and more on it. There are actually some items that you should save on in order to afford the more pricey items. What should you save on and what should you splurge on?
SAVE ON: The basics
When I say the basics I mean the plain white tees, the camis, socks, etc. Don’t spend more than $10 on a good white tee whether it is cropped or not. Look online at all the plain white tees that the big name brands sell. They all look the same right? So, at the end of the day no one will know the difference between Zara or Walmart. Personally, I usually buy my basics at Forever 21 since they come at such a reasonable cost. And they are always having Buy one get one sales and percentage off sales. This also applies to the basic joggers, leggings, and biker shorts. Save on the basics ,so that you can splurge on the bigger statement pieces.
SPLURGE ON: Good jewelry you will wear everyday
There are many places to buy jewelry now a days. But at the same time with cheaper jewelry you run the risk of bad quality. Depending on if you buy from a small business or a fast fashion store. When it comes to jewelry it is best to splurge a bit on them. In order to make sure that you are getting a good quality. You don’t want the jewelry to get green or rust within a couple of months. It should last you for years at best. If you are able to afford a couple good jewelry pieces then great. With better quality you can make sure that you won’t have to constantly be buying cheap jewelry because it goes bad real quick.
SAVE ON: Accessories
Whether your aesthetic is Cottage Core or E-girl, there’s no need to spend over $20 on one accessory. These items are more so like an addition to your outfit. They add some sparkle or spice to your fit. No reason to buy a $45 dollar small handbag when you can thrift it for $15. The best shopping advice I can give with accessories is to shop during a sale. Or use common promotions to your advantage. For example, at Hot Topic they are always having a Buy One Get One Free sale for their jewelry and accessories. I always use this to my own favor when I want to buy tights or chains for my outfits. As well as Forever 21, I use their clearance sales to my advantage. A $50 dollar belt from a high end store will still serve the same purpose as a belt from a low end store. No difference except price.
Since jeans are usually an everyday item you want to make sure that they can last. Also, you most likely won’t own just one pair of jeans. Most likely, you will want to own about 5 pairs or however many you want. Jeans are great thing to invest in within your wardrobe. The best brands to buy quality jeans from are Levi, Forever 21, Aeropostale, Garage Clothing, and Old Navy. There are probably more places, but that’s off the top of my head. Don’t feel bad for spending some money on some good jeans. It’ll pay of in the long run.
SAVE ON: Trendy items
While fast fashion is bad and not sustainable. It is at times useful when buying the trendy pieces. Trends come and go. Some leave and never come back. While others have their cycle in fashion. But at the time now, don’t go using up your money to stay on trend. Once the trend is gone then you’re stuck with the expensive clothing, jewelry, and shoes you decided to waste your money on. If you can, DIY some of your trendy items ,so you can save a few bucks. Or thrift some items. Save some money where you can.
The same concept for jewelry goes for shoes as well. Now, there are some brands that price their shoes at stupid prices. But as a beginner sneakerhead, spending money on quality shoes is worth it. Most of these shoe brands create their shoes to be timeless. And if you want to wear them everyday. You need shoes that can last. Also, if you’re like me and use shoes to either enhance your outfit. Or use them as statement pieces, then you will want to spend good money on the product. Shopping for shoes is always fun as well. It is like showing off your personality.
SAVE ON: Seasonal items
When it comes to the clothing items that you’ll wear only during a season, save your money. For me, I live in Texas. So, I’m not going to spend too much money on winter clothing. Most likely I’ll spend more money on summer/spring clothing since that’s all we have here. Assess the weather that you are living in and see what you can save on. If you live somewhere that winter is a big part of your life then spend the money. But don’t spurge on summer clothes if your summer only last for 3 months and then immediately it’s fall. By shopping for what you need and not what you want, you’ll save so much more money.
When it comes to shopping, I’m always wary with my money. I want to spend where it’ll be worth it. And that goes with where I’m spending my money. No use in buying cheap brands when this maybe $5 more item will serve me a better purpose. I hope these saves and splurges tips will help you next time you’re out shopping. Do you have any other items you think are saves or splurges? Comment down below!
As usual, thank you for reading. Thank you for clicking on my blog. Don’t forget to share and check out my other posts. If you have any suggestions of what other clothing style topics I should do send me a DM on Instagram. Follow me on all my socials to know when I post a new blog. Also, follow my Facebook page! I’m trying to connect with my community better through there. It makes it easier to try and get to know you guys. Welp, until next time!

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