This past week I got to sit down and interview a very inspirational man by the name Shola Salako. A Nigerian entrepreneur who despite the struggles in his life paved a way for himself in this country. He is a technology entrepreneur and philanthropist. As well as a lover of all that is good in life and deeply passionate about helping others accomplish their goals & dreams. Shola put in the grit and resilience to make his own business and see it rise. Through his struggles Boma Link and many other businesses were born.
A New Transition
Shola was born in the USA ,but at a young age him and his family made a trip to Nigeria to visit family. A one week visit to see relatives turned in to two weeks. Then two turned in to one month. Long enough, time passed and eventually his parents enrolled him and his younger brother at time in to school. He recalls the transition from the US education system to the Nigerian education system very challenging and hard on him at the time.
“School was very interesting…it was challenging because we had to learn a different way of life.”
New friends, a new way of life, a new way of communication. Everything became a learning curve to him. The atmosphere at school was different seeing that in Nigeria teachers were allowed to punish the students. It was a strict way ,but out of love to force you to become the best version of who you are. Fast forward, to boarding school.
“In the U.S, when people think boarding schools, they think of a nice resort kind of place…a nice place for rich people. But in Africa it is very different.”
Shola described his boarding school in Nigeria as more so a prison than a school. Comparing it to a boot camp with harsher bullying, beatings, and treatment. Despite the harshness of school , it made him stronger and resilient going further in to his life. This early part of his life taught him a new type of tough love despite the struggles.
Q: After moving back to the USA what were some challenges you faced & how was that contributed to your success in America?
As Shola described, come back to the US was out of desperation. While in med school in Nigeria, the professors were going on strike due to low pay. Leaving him with no education and his life on hold. He refused to just sit idily by and let his life waste away. So, he negotiated with his dad to come back to the US and they came to an agreement. At 21 years old, Shola packed a single suitcase with only his IDs and $35 in his pocket. A one way ticket to Detroit. The man was on his own from then on.
“I didn’t have my mommy and daddy to send me money to pay for school or my bills. I had to do it by myself.”
In order to provide for himself, he had to work 3 jobs just to cover his expenses. As well as sending money back to his family in Nigeria. The resilience and determination he had built over the years helped him keep pushing on. It wasn’t like he had an option to give up due to him being the first born of four boys. It after spending some time in America that he a great valuable lesson.
“To be really successful, to be financially free, one has to consider owning a business.”
It was then 18 years ago, Shola started his first business. He even remembers his first payment, which was $850. At the end of it all, the challenges he faced in his young adulthood was all worth it. Now after staring several businesses, Shola decided to use his knowledge to create a website that would benefit everyone trying to accomplish the same journey of success as him.
Introducing BomaLink
“As an entrepreneur I create multiple businesses… Entrepreneurs start several businesses before they become millionares…BomaLink is just one of them.”

BomaLink is a professional networking software for people of African descent all over the world. On the site there are over 45 million job opportunities available. As well as opportunities to make business relationships to help network yourself. You may be asking yourself , what is there is to gain from signing up on BomaLink, well it’s a simple answer: Networking. Networking is the key in being a successful business person ,to being a successful entrepreneur. Shola said something during the interview that just really stuck out to me. He said:
“I’m a firm believer that your network is your networth.”
BomaLink brings all these people together in one place , where they can benefit with each other. There are people on the site to help move and motivate them to accomplish their goals. Meaning you’re only worth as the people that you know & have access to.

Advice for young Nigerian business owners
In Nigeria, there are many people trying to make their own way in life. Going through X Y & Z to accomplish what they set out to do. With his many years in the business industry, Shola had many good wisdom to share. When I asked him if he had any advice, immediately he knew what to say.
Know who you are & know what you want to be
Sit down with yourself and figure out what image you want to have yourself be. By holding firm to that image , it can help you accomplish what you set out to do. See it as extra motivation to keep striving. As an entrepreneur , having a sturdy foundation in you as a person is important attribute to hold on to.
Be honest with yourself, be true to yourself
There’s no need to try and fake a persona. To try and create something or be something that you are not. Hone the skills that you know you do have and use that to your advantage.
Know your objectives
“Connecting with people is the first step to getting to your objectives.”
Once everything is clear and there’s a plan, the right people will come. Networking and meeting people is apart of the industry. Getting out of your comfort zone and being willing to converse to help raise yourself and others. Being an entrepreneur is knowing what you’re striving to. Without a clear vision, you are just lost on what to do.
Find a mentor in your industry
By finding a mentor, it helps you not waste time. Instead of trying to figure everything out yourself, you’ll have someone to guide you. Someone who can help you not make the wrong decisions, dodge mistakes, and learn the best ways to thrive.
Build your skills
There are many sites where you can take quick skills classes. By developing your skills, you are assuring your expertise. There is no such thing as learning too much, only too little. In Nigeria, resources are not able to be reached by everyone. Although, the world is at your finger tips. As Nigerians, use your struggles as motivation to be the best you can be.
Q: What is something you’d tell your younger self when starting out in your career?
“Recognize that you’re not the best in everything.”
Asking for help is not something that should be a last resort. In the beginning of your career ,you won’t know how to do everything. That is completely fine ,but what isn’t is being to prideful to say “I need help”. Having a team as an entrepreneur just means the success is shared and it is benefited by everyone.
Realize that you’re going to have to sacrifice in order to thrive. Don’t be afraid of losing money. You spend $800 and are hesitant to spend because you’re thinking what if you don’t make it back. You lost money and have nothing to show for it. It’s called trying. It helps accelerate the growth and process.
“Right now, I make a decision quickly. I see the value in it, I go for it. If I don’ see the value, then I don’t invest in it.”
Thank you, Shola!
As a Nigerian-American it is already hard enough to beat the stereotypes. To beat the assumptions that many people have of Nigerians. I’d like to thank Shola for letting me tell his story and write on his inspiring website. Click the link below to sign up for BomaLink and get a head start in your career today. With over 45 million job opportunities and located in various countries. Shola is very much an inspiration in not letting your background dictate your future.
Click the link below to sign up now!

Check out my other interviews with fellow Nigerians!
Here are links to my interviews with two other Nigerians creating their own path in life. Share and like my blog posts if you enjoy what you’re reading.
- Healing: 5 Powerful Ways How I Heal As A Black Woman
- Journaling for Growth: Unlock Your Creativity and Clarity
- Rejection is Redirection: 5 Helpful Ways to Handle Rejection
- 5 Valuable Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 2022
- Self Worth: 6 Valuable Ways to Build Self-Worth
- 5 Ways How To Deal With Unwanted Pressure
- Productivity: 5 Useful Ways To Better Organize Your Life