
Productivity: 5 Useful Ways To Better Organize Your Life

Hello everyone and happy August! Summer is winding down quickly. And after summer comes the new school year. Whether you are reading this as a high schooler, an incoming freshman in college, or a new graduate. This post will have some relatability for you. The new school year is fast approaching, and if you’re anything like me, you are drowning in the last-minute reminders. You’re lacking in productivity. 

With all the excitement and fun of going back to school comes the mental exhaustion of planning out your classes, getting new supplies and materials, checking that your schedule is up to date, and more. The main lesson you can take with you into this new semester is productivity. How to be able to stay productive through such a busy time of the year. 

Every year, I go through a transition period of organizing my life. I have to update things and delete old information and new things are being created. It’s that time of year when we all have to transition toward new changes, so in this article, I’m going to be covering 8 useful ways how to get organized for your life.


One of the easiest ways to improve your productivity is by using a digital planner or physical planner.

Digital planners are often referred to as “To-Do lists” or “checklists.” They allow you to create tasks, notes, and events that you need to complete.

A physical planner is a book or journal where you can write down all of your tasks and appointments. For some people, this is just as effective as a digital planner because they like the idea of having something tangible in their hands that helps them stay organized.

2. Set reminders for yourself

You’re not going to remember everything. Not every single due date, lunch plan, appointment, etc. You need reminders to, well, remind you of things. Your brain is already working hard enough to retain the information it gets throughout the day. And if your life is busy and hectic. You’re for sure not going to remember everything. Whether it is a sticky note system or on your phone. Create a reminder system so, that you never forget anything. Even if it’s something as tiny as “take out the laundry”. Make a reminder for it. And watch how much easier your life becomes. 


Look at your home. Does everything have a home? Are there loose papers that should be organized? Items misplaced because you never set a designated spot for them? Whatever system you want to implement, does everything have a home? I know not everyone is a labeling/folder-type person. But honestly, the older you get the more important documents you got under your belt. And that requires some level of organization. Whether you like it or not. For example, my dad has these file cabinets. Always has had some type of filing system for all types of documents. From hospital records to certificates from my brother and my elementary school days. Everything has a home. And he gets in a little stress moment when they aren’t organized that way. 

You don’t have to be like my dad, but insert some level of responsibility in yourself. Create labels if you need to. Have designated spots. Up your productivity. Just at the end of the day, make sure everything has a home. 

I can name three spots in your room that probably needs some decluttering as you read this. Your desk, your closet, and your bookshelf (if you have one of course). Or if you live alone in an apartment, look around and see what needs to be ditched. I know we all have THAT drawer. Yeah, you know which one I’m talking about. The one that you just throw whatever you see in there. Eventually, the drawer is so full you can’t close it.

I feel like it’s a natural instinct as humans to just keep things. For some reason, there’s always a “What if” involved in the excuses. But the truth is, you should be keeping things you need. Not in the questionable future that you made up in your head. When you clear up the space you occupy, you notice your head clears up too. It’s like magic. Keeping a good habit of decluttering at least once a month will ensure a tidy space. And keep your productivity up.


5. Create Routines

Routines help take the stress away of trying to plan the next day. It helps bring structure to an already hectic day.  Especially, if you’re a college student. A routine will go a long way to help make sure that you are on track for the day. Scheduling out time and seeing where there are free spots. It also helps with your mental health. Elevates the anxiety and stress of the day. I know I’m at my best when it’s the school year. Honestly, my productivity rises just because I can plan out my own routine. I know what my day looks like. Helps me enjoy my free time even more!

6. Make To-Do Lists

Whether it is for goals or what you got going that week. If you have tasks to do, don’t just keep them in your head. It’s actually been proven that when we write down our goals. We are more likely to complete them. And I can definitely attest to that. I see a huge difference in my productivity when I make a To-Do list and when I don’t. I just find it harder to remember tasks. To stay focused on what I need to do. It’s easier to get sidetracked when you don’t have something keeping you productive. You don’t have to overwhelm yourself with 15 tasks on your list. Start with from 5-10 things. And see how you do. Remember it takes 30 days to build a habit. 

7. Make your bed as soon as you wake-up

It’ll take less than 5 minutes to take the time to make your bed. I know everyone says to. Even your parents nagged you about it when you were younger. But when you make your bed in the morning it makes you feel more accomplished. You finished this simple task. You can get through the day in no time. Making your bed helps your productivity, if you’re someone who works from home. Makes your room look more organized and decreases the desire to lay in your bed. Talk about a productive workspace! 

8. Limit time on social media

We are all at fault for this. Spending too much time consuming other people’s content. Endlessly scrolling on Tik Tok or Instagram. Funny enough, I saw a Tik Tok (@simplyfreshdew) and the person said ” reminder to minimize your time on tik toks consuming other people’s lives in vids just like this…You’ll look back and realize you watched so many memories of others, but none of your own.” And if that doesn’t make you wanna limit your social media then I don’t know what will. It’s okay to spend 15-30 minutes. But don’t let it consume your day. Limiting the time that you could use to be living your own life. Instead, of watching someone else’s through a screen. 


There are about a billion different ways to better organize your life, and their relative effectiveness is pretty subjective. But what hasn’t changed is that you should find the best method for you, since no single trick will work for everyone. It’s best to try out a few different strategies, until finding the one that works best for you. And then of course, there’s the good old standby: time management in general. Make sure that you’re keeping your commitments to other people, as well as yourself—and make sure there’s enough time left over for fun and relaxation!

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