Hello everyone and happy August! Summer is winding down quickly. And after summer comes the new school year. Whether you are reading this as a high schooler, an incoming freshman …
Productivity: 5 Useful Ways To Better Organize Your Life

Lifestyle. Wellness. Aesthetic. Motivation
Hello everyone and happy August! Summer is winding down quickly. And after summer comes the new school year. Whether you are reading this as a high schooler, an incoming freshman …
Over the course of these past two years, I know that feeling lonely has become a normal emotion. Even in quarantine when everyone was inside. Even though I had my …
As a junior in college, already I’m aware about the hardships that come with money in this stage of life. Whether it’s having to pay bills or decide whether it’s …
College is something that in high school they hype up so much. It’s always talking about the college experience. What parties you are going to. Eating at the dining hall …
For my college readers, we go start our Fall semester at the end of this month. Whether you are an incoming freshman or a struggling junior. College is already going …
There is something I always try and remember when it comes to dressing myself. It’s that not everyone is built the same. There are curvy bodies, thin girls, thicker girls. …
With social media and new fashion trends, it seems like everyone already has their own personal style down. They know which shops they will buy from and what aesthetic they …
Whether you are done with highschool, community college or a 4 year university, you are done for the semester. This week is finals week for most people and it is …
It is now April. The last stretch before summer hits. April always flies by fast, but that’s because of the amount of work. With all schools online, your brain is …